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You can enter grades using the grade entry screen, which can be accessed via the main menu, a register or from your homepage. Follow the link for more information about entering grades.

There is an alternative view for grade entry, called form based grading. This is only available via the PARS main menu.

If you wish to a review a single pupil's grades, you can use grade preview. This shows only one pupil's grades at a time.

To view more than one pupil's grades at once, you might use the grade authorisation feature. This allows you to view multiple pupils' grades at once, and send messages to staff if you are not satisfied with the grades they have entered.

There are a number of grade reports available in PARS, which you can use to view grading data at your school.

You can also create custom grading reports which allow you to choose exactly what data you want to see. You can also include personal details, such as SEN, EAl or Pupil premium.

If you have ocnfiugred key indicators (see configuration, below) then you can access a grading analysis suite from your homepage. This training guide gives an overview of the features that are available.

Importing/exporting grades can be done through PARS. Grades can either be imported via a .csv file or exported to Excel.


  • Grade schemes
  • Grade elements
  • Importing review designs
  • Configuring comment bank
  • Creating key indicator templates