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Take registers for today

Taking registers is one of the core activities that teachers perform and should be done regularly so that attendance data is accurate in the case of a fire - as such registration is the most commonly used area of PARS. Both session (AM & PM) and lesson registers can be taken through PARS and various settings can be used to affect the way attendance data is handled.

The register screen can provide a large amount information about each pupil and can be used to quickly access other relevant screens such as those for grade entry and recording behaviour. From the register page you can also create seating plans. Registers can also be recorded manually by a teacher or automatically by using a biometric reader such as a fingerprint scanner.

Registers can be accessed via:

Diary Screen

The registers on your diary page include colour coding defining the meaning of the register.

These symbols appear throughout PARS wherever a register can be opened. They give information about the type of register as well as its current status:

Register icon black.jpg An unsaved lesson register
Register icon red.jpg An unsaved Session register or a lesson register that is mapped to a Session register.
Register icon blue.jpg An unsaved lesson register that is being covered
Register icon pink.jpg An unsaved Session register that is being covered
Register icon brown tick.jpg The tick indicates that the register has been saved.
Register icon brown double tick.jpg The double tick indicates that the register has been saved and has affected marks in more than one register. It could be the first lesson of a double period or a mapped lesson period.
Register icon brown exclamation.jpg An exclamation mark means that there was a problem saving the register. Open the register and make sure the attendance marks are correct.
Register icon brown tick exclamation.jpg This means that the marks in more than one register were supposed to be updated but there was a problem updating the marks in one or both of the registers. Check if each register is correct.

The PARS Connect register


Information in registers

Information window

When you open a register, you will be presented with information about the pupils in your register. If there are pupils in your class who have detentions scheduled for later today or tomorrow, who are on report, who have messages relating to them, or who have outstanding homework, then PARS will present you with an information window when you open a register. PARS will also open one of these windows if the register you are viewing is not for today.


Information columns

To the left of pupils' names there will be columns giving you extra information about the pupils. The columns that you see and the way that they work are affected by your permissions and registration preferences so you may not see all of the columns described below. Each of the columns has a meaning and some can be used for additional features such as adding behaviour incidents.


Notice.jpg Notices The column will contain an icon if the pupil has a notice intended for them - click on the icon to read the notice.
Green face.jpg Merit Column If the pupil has been awarded a merit in the current school day, a symbol will be displayed in this column. If the symbol is faded in colour it means that the merit was issued earlier today. Clicking on the column header allows you to add multiple behaviour incidents at once, or you can click next to a pupil's name in this column to issue a behaviour incident just to them.
Red face.jpg Demerit Column See above.
Orange face.jpg Neutral Column See above.
Wallet1.jpg On report If a pupil is on report, there will be a symbol in this column next to their name. Click on the symbol to enter on report grades.
Hammer.jpg Detention If the pupil has been placed on detention today or is due to serve a detention soon, a symbol will appear in this column. You can also click in this column to issue detentions to pupils.
Red card.jpg Removal There will be an icon in this column if the pupil has been removed from the current lesson or is due to be removed from a later lesson in the day.
Extra classes.jpg Extra classes If the pupil has an extra class soon, a symbol will appear in this column.

Detentions, Removals and Extra classes symbols

In the columns for detentions, removals and extra classes, there will be coloured shapes on top of the icons that give you further information:

DR recorded now.jpg Yellow diamond Detention/Removal has been recorded in the current lesson
DR recorded today.jpg Blue diamond Detention/Removal has been recorded today (but not in the current lesson)
DRE served now.jpg Red "down" arrow Detention/Removal/Extra class is occuring right now
DRE served next.jpg Green "right" arrow Detention/Removal/Extra class is occuring later today
DR combination.jpg Combination of symbols E.g. Detention awarded today to be served later today; Removal awarded in current register to take place now.

You can also hover over most of the icons to reveal additional information about what has happened:


How to take a register

You can take a register using either your mouse or your keyboard. To use your keyboard, simply press the button for the attendance mark you want to use i.e. N for absent or L for late. You can use either of the slash buttons ( / or \ ) or the space bar to mark pupils present. After you give a pupil a mark, PARS will move onto the next pupil for you.

Alternatively you can use you mouse by clicking next to the pupil that you want to give an attendance mark to. This will open a window showing all of the attendance codes that are available to you - click on one to give a pupil that mark.


You can also use some of the buttons on the top toolbar. If you click "All present" then every pupil who does not already have an attendance mark will be marked present. The "Recycle session" button will give every pupil the same attendance mark that they got in their last session (AM or PM).

Most schools use a setting that prevents staff from overwriting each other's marks, so if you see any attendance codes in your register you will probably not be able to overwrite them. You can always go back and alter marks that you have entered yourself.

Note that although you can typically only overwrite your own marks, anybody is allowed to overwrite "N" or "-" marks in a session register.

Once you have completed your register, buttons will appear at the top right of the page allowing you to save. Click "Save" to save the register but keep it open, or click "Save + Close" to save the register and close it at the same time. A register can never be saved if it is not complete.

What do the buttons at the top of the register do?

There are a number of buttons on the top toolbar when you are viewing a register. Each button is explained below:

Seating1.jpg Seating Click this button to access the seating plan for your class.
Markallpresent1.jpg All present This will convert all missing ("-") marks to present.
RecycleMAKRS.jpg Recycle marks This button will give all pupils the same attendance mark as they got in the most recent session (AM or PM - usually with a form tutor).
Unexpectedarrival.jpg Add an unexpected arrival Use this button to add pupils who are not on your register but are supposed to be in your class. This is for one-off occurrences (e.g. a pupil being put in your class because of their behaviour in another class) - if the pupil is supposed to be in your class every week then contact your timetabler.
Gender.jpg Gender Use this button to toggle split gender registration.
History.jpg History This button will display previous registers for the current class only.
Entergrades.jpg Grades Click here to open a grade entry page for your class. The grading system in PARS needs to be configured before this can be used.
Assigndiary.jpg Assignments Click this button to access the assignment diary for creating and recording homework.
Printreg.jpg Reports Click this button to run reports on your class - this might be a print off of the pupils with their photographs or a report on all of the students in your class, showing merit and demerit points and count.
Emailreg.jpg Email Click this button to send an email to all students in your class.
Detailspanel.jpg Details panel This button can be toggled on and off. When the button is on, you can hover your mouse over pupils' names to see more information about them.

Attendance marks automatically changing

Sometimes attendance marks will automatically change - there are a number of reasons that this may happen in PARS. When you save your register, marks may change in your register or in other registers.

You may find that a pupil who was marked absent in the morning will have their morning mark updated to a late if you mark them present in your register, or their AM or PM mark might change so that is the same as the mark that you give them in your register. These are optional features in PARS that can be turned off - if you do not want to use these features and they are affecting your attendance, please contact our helpdesk for advice.