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This page details each of the preferences for Insight. This page is expansive and is not suited to being used as guide when configuring the system; see the training guides page for this purpose.


Welcome letter

Passwords are sent to parents via the password notification page via printed documents, email or SMS. The Welcome letter is the template used for printed documents.

Clicking the Edit Button opens a text editor to define the message sent to parents. The following merge fields can be used:

Mailmerge field Meaning
{addressee} The user's addressee field, taken from the Contact details window in SIMS
{county} The county of the contact's address
{country} The country of the contact's address
{district} The district of the user's address
{email} The email address of the user
{forename} The forename of the user
{fullname} The fullname of the user
{honours} The user's honours, as taken from SIMS
{housename} The name of the user's house
{housenumber} The number of the user's house
{linkedstudents} This will show a list of students linked to the user
{linkedstudentstable} This will show a list of students linked to the user, presented in a table
{multilineaddress} The address of the user, formatted on multiple lines
{pagebreak} A pagebreak
{password} The user's password (this will only work for randomly generated passwords)
{postcode} The user's postcode
{salutation} The user's salutation, taken from the Contact details window in SIMS
{schooladdress} The school's address
{schoollogo} The school's logo
{singleLineAddress} The user's address on a single line
{street} The street the user lives on
{surname} The user's surname
{title} The user's title i.e. Mr or Mrs
{todaysdate} The calendar date
{town} The town the user lives in
{username} The user's username

Login text

This allows you to add text to the login screen for users. Click the Edit Button to open the text editor and enter your message.

Prefs logintext1.jpg


Notices (messages to parents) can be seen on the snapshot page or on the notices page. Staff or admin users can send notices using the notice composer page (depending on their role options).

Show these SIMS events

Insight will automatically send some notices to parents. Turn the switches on or off depending on the events for which you would like Insight to notify parents.

Order newest notices first

If this is switched on then notices will be ordered so that the newest notices appear at the top of the list. The alternative is for the notices to be ordered in reverse, so the oldest messages will appear at the top.

Use 24hour times

Notices will display the time that they were sent. Use this option to decide whether to use 12 or 24 hour times.


Only show the most recent resultset-less Assessment Manager grades

Assessment Manager aspects which do not have result sets will only display one grade per student in SIMS. However if a new grade is entered to overwrite the old one, the old grade does not get deleted and stays in the database.

If this preference is off, then all previous grades will be shown. If this preference is on then only the most recent grade will be shown.

Perform colourisation of Assessment Manager grades

It is not recommended that you use this option.

Insight can attempt to apply colours to grades that are taken from Assessment Manager. However, the colours given to grades can vary between marksheets, users and grade sets, therefore the resulting colourisation may not perform as expected. Additionally this feature is server-intensive, which could result in slower page load times for users.


Remaining assignment days to student users an reminder email

Students can automatically be sent a reminder email a few days before their assignments are due to be handed in. Setting this to 0 disables the feature so that no emails are sent.

In order for this to work you must enter your mail server details into the email section of preferences, otherwise Insight will not be able to send any emails. The Keep Alive service must also be running, which will periodically check to determine if any emails need to be sent (amongst other duties). Finally you must have purchased the AD links module to allow students to have their own Insight accounts.


Hide attendance menu items for the following years (separated by the + symbol)

This setting can be used to hide all attendance menu items from users when they are viewing pupils in specific year group. Sometimes schools will use this to remove attendance information from 6th form students.

Enter the year groups for which you would like attendance to be hidden. If there are multiple years, you can separate them using a plus symbol e.g. 12+13

Hide the Report Absences menu item for the following years (separated by the + symbol)

As above, this setting hides the report absences menu item from users when viewing students in specific year groups. Enter the year groups for which you would like attendance to be hidden. If there are multiple years, you can separate them using a plus symbol e.g. 12+13

Hide term dates on the default banner

If this is switched on then the school term dates will not appear in the banner at the top of Insight.

Hide marks in attendance summaries for the current day

This hides today's marks from the attendance summary and lesson summary page. Today's marks can also be shown on the snapshot page so if you want to hide today's marks altogether you may need to alter the user role options in addition to using this preference.

The number of days taken to validate attendance marks for attendance summaries (-1 for current week)

This preference works in tandem with "Hide marks in attendance summaries in the validation range", the preference directly below.

This preference sets a period of time where attendance marks unvalidated, meaning that they will either be highlighted as potentially incorrect or hidden altogether, depending on the preference below.

If this preference is set to zero then it will have no effect. If the validation range is set to -1 then all marks in the current week (Monday - Sunday) will be caught in the validation period. If the preference is set to any other number then the validation period will be that number of days.

Note that this will affect the attendance summary and lesson summary pages, but not the snapshot page which can also show attendance marks. Therefore you may also need to alter the user role options for the snapshot page.

Hide marks in attendance summaries in the validation range

This preference works in tandem with the one above, which creates a validation period (see above for details). If this preference is on then the attendance marks in the validation period will be completely hidden.

Only use AM sessions

This will hide all PM marks, so that parents only see marks for lessons and AM registration.

Batch PDF conversion

Insight has a batch pdf feature, which can be used to upload, convert or email documents. Conversion allows existing word and xml documents in SIMS to be converted to a pdf format. The upload process can be used to upload several pdf documents to SIMS at once, from a folder. The email process is used to send copies of the pupils' reports to their parental contacts.

User name of machine administrator for second stage impersonation

Enter the username of the account used to access the IIS server for conversions. See batch PDF operations for more information about this feature.

Password of machine administrator for second stage impersonation

Enter the password of the account used to access the IIS server for conversions. See batch PDF operations for more information about this feature.

Create ISO 19005.1 compliant PDF

Enable this if you need the PDF files produced by batch PDF conversion to be compliant with the ISO 19005.1 standard. This is very rarely required.


Multiply behaviour points by this factor

The points value of all behaviour incidents in Insight will be multiplied by this number. If the setting is blank, the behaviour incidents will have their normal points value.

Hide behaviour menu items for the following years (separated by the + symbol)

This setting can be used to hide all behaviour menu items from users when they are viewing pupils in specific year group.

Enter the year groups for which you would like behaviour to be hidden. If there are multiple years, you can separate them using a plus symbol e.g. 12+13

The number of days taken to validate behaviour records

This setting is used to hide behaviour incidents for a number of days before they are visible to parents. If this is set to 0 it will have no effect (behaviour incidents are visible as soon as they are recorded).


The details in this section must be properly configured in order for Insight to be able to send emails.

Your SMTP server name or IP address

The is the name or address or your SMTP server, which Insight will use to send emails.

Username used to authorise against the SMTP Server

A username for an account to access the SMTP server. Depending on your setup, this may not be required.

Password used to authorise against the SMTP Server

A password for an account to access the SMTP server. Depending on your setup, this may not be required.

Your Reply To email address

When Insight sends emails, the emails will appear to be sent from the email address that you enter here. This does not need to be a real email address - you can enter anything you like and all emails sent from Insight will look as if they have come from that address. If you don't want parents to reply, consider entering "" or something similar.

Prefs emailreplyto1.jpg

Prefs emailfrom.jpg

Optional display name for sender

Emails from Insight will have a reply to email address (as explained above) and can also have a display name.

Prefs displayname.jpg

Prefs emailfromname.jpg

Message text for password resets

This is preference is used to configure the email that Insight will send to parents when they have forgotten their password and it needs to be reset. This is related to a login preference for hashing passwords.

If passwords are not being hashed then parents will never need to reset their passwords therefore you could ignore this preference. If passwords are being hashed then if parents have changed their password (i.e. they are not using randomly generated password generated when their account was created) and they forget their password, Insight will not be able to email their password to them. Instead the parent will receive an email allowing them to generate a new random password.

Use this preference to define the email that will be sent to parents if they need to reset their password. Parents will receive an email which contains a link. They need to click on the link which will take them to Insight. Once that has been done a second email will be sent to them containing their new password.

You can use the following merge fields in your message. Note that {link} must be included, otherwise parents will not have a link to click on and will not be able to reset their password.

Merge field Output
{link} The hyperlink that parents need to click on to reset their password
{salutation} The parent's salutation
{username} The parent's Insight username
{title} The user's title i.e. Mr or Mrs
{forename} The parent's forename
{surename} The parent's surname
{fullname} The parent's full name (forename and surname)
{email} The parent's email address
{addressee} The parent's addressee field, as taken from SIMS
{schooladdress} Your school's address
{todaysdate} The calendar date

Dear {salutation}, to reset the password for your Insight account, {username}, please click on the link below. Once you have clicked on the link a second email will be sent to you containing your new password.


Enable SSL for SMTP

If you need to use SSL to send emails then switch this on.

Optional port to use for SMTP (leave empty for default)

Specify a port to use on the SMTP server, if required.

Code inserted into subject fields used for spam rules on internal email

If you find that emails from Insight are being marked as spam, you can use this preference to add text to the subject of all emails sent via Insight. You can then configure your spam rules to allow emails with that text in the subject.

Hide the school's email address on the default banner

The school email address will be removed from the banner at the top of Insight, unless the school email address has been typed into the banner text preference, in which case you would need to remove it from that preference.

Introductory message for Email

Passwords are sent to parents via the password notification page via printed documents, email or SMS. The Introductory message for Email is the template used for emails.

Type your message into the text box. You can use the following merge fields:

Mailmerge field Meaning
{username} The user's username
{password} The user's password (this will only work for randomly generated passwords)
{email} The email address of the user
{salutation} The user's salutation, taken from the Contact details window in SIMS
{title} The user's title i.e. Mr or Mrs
{forename} The forename of the user
{surname} The user's surname
{fullname} The fullname of the user
{addressee} The user's addressee field, taken from the Contact details window in SIMS
{honours} The user's honours, as taken from SIMS
{linkedstudents} This will show a list of students linked to the user
{linkedstudentstable} This will show a list of students linked to the user, presented in a table
{schooladdress} Your school's address
{todaysdate} The calendar date

Forgotten password message for Email

This is the message that will be sent to parents when they have forgotten their password and their password has not been hashed. Hashing passwords is an added security measure that can be turned on or off, using a preference in the login section.

Type the message that parents should receive when requesting a password reminder. The message will be sent to them via email and you can use any of the merge fields found in the preference above.

Note that you should always include the {password} merge field in this message.

Message to send when a username changes as a result of an email address change

There is a feature called Match which is available on the users page in Insight. This will update parents' usernames to match their email addresses. When this happens parents' usernames will change, so Insight will automatically email all affected parents to inform them of the changes.

Enter a message that will be sent to parents when their username changes. You can use any of the merge fields in the Introductory message for email section (above), as well as the following two:

Merge field Output
{oldemail} This will show the parent their old email address
{newemail} This will show the parent their new email address

Redirect all "contact" emails to this address

Insight offers the facility for parents to send emails to staff (without revealing staff email addresses). This preference is used to redirect all of these parental emails to a central email address (typically the school office). The emails can then be redistributed to the relevant people.

If this preference is empty then emails will go directly to staff members' email addresses. If you enter an email address into this preference then all emails sent by parents to teachers will arrive at this email address and will not be sent to teachers. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Text to display in the forgotten password box

Enter text that will appear next to the password reset section of the login page.


*If you put the text "hide" into this option it will hide the password reminder box completely

Address to send forgotten password requests to when the user has no email of their own

Insight has methods to send passwords to parents if they forget their password, however this can only work if the parent has provided contact details. If Insight cannot contact the parent then a staff member needs to be notified so that they can reset the parent's password and give the details to the parent.

Insight will send an email notification if an unreachable parent has forgotten their password. Enter the email address that Insight should use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to these addresses when an absence is reported

The report absences page allows parents to notify the school of the reasons for pupil absence. When a parent does this the information will be sent to a member of staff in an email. Enter an email address to use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to these addresses when an address change is requested

Parents are able to update various details using Insight. When a parent requests to have their details changed Insight will send a notification via email. Enter an email address to use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to these addresses when an telephone number change is requested

Parents are able to update various details using Insight. When a parent requests to have their details changed Insight will send a notification via email. Enter an email address to use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to these addresses when an email address change is requested

Parents are able to update various details using Insight. When a parent requests to have their details changed Insight will send a notification via email. Enter an email address to use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to these addresses when an attribute change is requested

Parents are able to update various details using Insight. When a parent requests to have their details changed Insight will send a notification via email. Enter an email address to use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to this address when a notice is saved

The notice composer page allows admin and staff users to send messages to parents and pupils. This setting can be used if you want an email copy of all message sent in this way.

Enter an email address to receive these messages. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to these addresses when a Parental Consent is changed

Parents are able to update various details using Insight. When a parent requests to have their details changed Insight will send a notification via email. Enter an email address to use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.

Send emails to these addresses when a forum post is reported

The forums feature in Insight has a facility for parents to report posts that they feel are inappropriate. If this happens Insight will notify a member of staff via email. Enter an email address to use for these notifications. If you want to use multiple email addresses separate them with semicolons.


Hide exam menu items for the following years (separated by the + symbol)

This setting can be used to hide all exam menu items from users when they are viewing pupils in specific year group. Typically students will not have exams during year 7, 8 or 9 so this preference can be used to hide exam menu items from parents of these children.

Enter the year groups for which you would like exams to be hidden. If there are multiple years, you can separate them using a plus symbol e.g. 12+13

Number of days to hold back exam results

This setting creates an embargo in Insight for your exam results. Enter a number of days that you want Insight to hold back exam results, the results will be released that many days after they were uploaded to SIMS. Insight will always release the exam data at 6am.

Number of days to hold back exam results for years 12 and up

This setting is the same as above, but applies to year 12 and higher.

Exchange calendar

If you want PARS to communication with your Exchange calendar then you need to enter the connection details in this section.

URL of Exchange Web Services - please include protocol and EWS/exchange.asmx

As above.

Username of user to connect to Exchange Web Services

As above.

Password of user to connect to Exchange Web Services

As above.

Domain of user to connect to to Exchange Web Services

As above.

Lesson marks

Hide all references to lesson marks

This setting will remove all lesson marks so that parents only see information for AM and PM sessions.


Use modern look login screen

The modern Insight login page
The old Insight login page

This option affects the appearance of the login screen.

Show school logo within login box on modern look login screen

When using the modern design for the login page, the school's logo can be displayed next to the username and password fields.

Prefs loginlogo.jpg

Show store links on login screen

This preference allows an icon to appear at the bottom right of the Insight login page. The icon gives links to download the Insight app from either the play store or app store. There is also a QR code which is used by the app.

Check parental users against current SIMS contacts at login

By default Insight will assume that all parents who have active accounts in Insight are supposed to be able to login. This option will force Insight to check that a parent has the necessary criteria in SIMS (according to your user creation rules) when logging in and if they do not, Insight will not allow them to log in.

It is not recommended that you use this preference. In practice parents' details rarely change in SIMS and checking their details will increase the amount of time taken for parents to login.

Time between logout reminders

Insight will periodically remind parents to logout, using a message that appears at the bottom of the page. Enter the number of minutes for the interval of these logout reminders.

Prefs logoutreminder.jpg

Hide the cancelable SSO message during sign in

If you are using Single Sign On, then this preference will display a message to the user allowing them to cancel the sign on and enter credentials directly.

Message to use when sending PINs

Two factor authnetication can be used in Insight when users are logging in. This means that the user will need to provide a PIN number in addition to their username and password.

If you have required users to provide PIN numbers then a message will be sent to them after they provide their username and password. This preference is used to define the message that is sent. Insight will send the PIN by either email or SMS (there is a preference that determines which method is preferred). If the PIN cannot be sent by email or if you have set Insight to prefer using SMS the PIN will be sent by SMS. Due to this, you should keep the message fairly short.

When users enter their username and password a message on the login page will explain that a PIN has been sent to them, so you do not need to explain this in the message. You can use the following merge fields in your message:

Merge field Output
{PIN} Shows the user's PIN number
{validuntil} PIN numbers are temporary and will expire after some time. This shows the user the time that their PIN will expire

Prompt for email address when none present on first login

If this preference is switched on then parents will see a box asking them to provide an email address the first time they log in, if they have not already provided one. After their first login this box will not be shown.

Allow unreachable users to bypass PINs

When PIN numbers are being used Insight will try to send the PINs via email or SMS. If a parent does not have an email address or a mobile number then it is impossible for them to receive their PIN number. This preference allows those users to log in without the need to provide a PIN number.

Prompt parental users without email addresses to supply an email address at log on

This preference will ask parents to provide an email address when they log in, if they have not already provided one. This prompt will happen every time the parent logs in until they provide an email address.

Allow generated PINS to last all day or until a failed login attempt

PIN numbers are temporary and will expire after a period of time. By default, PIN numbers for Insight have a lifespan of 5 minutes. This setting can be used to allow each PIN number to last until midnight or until the user enters an incorrect PIN number 3 times.

Extension time in minutes to PIN expiry

PIN numbers are temporary and will expire after a period of time. By default, PIN numbers for Insight have a lifespan of 5 minutes. This setting will add a number of minutes to the PIN number's lifespan. For example if you set this field to 10, then PINs would survive for 15 minutes (the default 5 plus an extra 10).

Prefer email when sending PINs

This setting will only take effect is PINs are activated. Insight will attempt to use either emails or SMS messages as the default means for delivery. However if the preferred method is not possible (the parent does not have a phone number, you do not have a texting account, etc.) then the second method will be used.

Warning to show when users request the login screen to remember their account details

This is a warning message that will be displayed when a user clicks the Remember Me option on the homepage. "It is not recommended to use this setting on public computers" is a typical message. If this setting is left blank then it will have no effect.

Trust this host as an authentication provider

If you are using AD links (which allows pupils and staff to login to Insight using their school login details) then you should enter your domain name into this setting. This means that users will not need to type the domain name in themselves when logging in to Insight.

Show logout button as closure during POST-style delegate logins

no idea

Hash passwords as they are changed

This setting activates password hashing, which increases the security of passwords. If password hashing is active then once a parent has changed their password, the password will be scrambled in the database so that Insight cannot retrieve it, although parents will still be able to log in.

This would increase the security of passwords, however it does mean that Insight cannot send reminders to parents who have forgotten their passwords. Instead Insight would send a link an email that allows the parent to reset their password to a random string of characters.


Push message to use when new notices are created

This preference only applies when users are accessing Insight via the Insight app. When a user receives a notice, a notification will also appear on their phone or tablet.

Options offer

Hide options offer menu items for the following years (separated by the + symbol)

This setting can be used to hide the options offer menu item from users when they are viewing pupils in specific year group. This is commonly used, as typically only year 9 and year 11 students will select options.

Enter the year groups for which you would like options offer to be hidden. If there are multiple years, you can separate them using a plus symbol e.g. 12+13

Parents evenings

Limit parents evening bookings to one booking per member of staff per evening per user

If this option is active then each parent will only be able to make one booking with each member of staff, during each parents evening.

An exception to this rule can be made when a child is taught be the same teacher in more than one class, in which case parents will be able to make one booking per class. There a preference further down this section to enable this.

This will not apply to staff who are making bookings on behalf of parents, unless the preference below is used.

include staff bookings in this limit

Similar to the preference above, this prevents staff from booking more than one appointment for a parent with a single member of staff during a parents evening. This will only take effect if the preference above is also being used.

As above, An exception to this rule can be made when a child is taught be the same teacher in more than one class, in which case parents will be able to make one booking per class. There a preference further down this section to enable this.

Relax limit for staff with multiple subjects

This preference will only take effect if you are using the preferences above to limit the number of bookings that parents can have with individual staff. An exception to the limit will be made when a child is taught be the same teacher in more than one class, in which case parents will be able to make one booking per class.

Force a break between parents appointments

This option prevents parents from making back-to-back bookings, so there will always be a free slot before and after each booking.

Text to show when a break is forced between parents appointments

If using the option above, then you can enter text that will be displayed in the breaks on the parents' booking sheets. A typical example is "transit time", which explains to parents the reason they are not able to book back-to-back slots.

Breaks between parents appointments are two slots wide

This can only take effect if using the preference to force a break before and after each slot. When this preference is activated, there will be two breaks before and after each single booking.

Make break exemptions for consecutive appointments with the same member of staff

If you are forcing breaks between bookings, this option can be used to allow parents to make consecutive bookings without having a break forced between them, providing that the bookings are with the same member of staff.

Show staff photos

If this is switched on then parents will see photographs of staff when they are making bookings. If this preference and the one below (to show subject icons) are switched on, then the icon will switch between photographs and subject icons every few seconds. If neither are switched on there will be no image at all.

Show subject icons

If this is switched on then parents will see icons representing the subject that a staff member teaches, when parents are making bookings. If this preference and the one above (to show photographs) are switched on, then the icon will switch between photographs and subject icons every few seconds. If neither are switched on there will be no image at all.

Allow staff to modify notes on their own schedule made by other staff members

Depending on their role options, some staff may be able to make parents evening bookings on behalf of other staff members and add notes to those bookings. This preference allows staff members to amend the notes made by other staff.

Use all classes run during the year, not just those active on the evening

This preference will allow parents to make bookings with any of the teachers who have taught their child during the academic year.


The PARS preferences section will only appear if you have selected the PARS Link option in the service controller.

Collect Competition diary events

Diary events for competitions from PARS will be sent to users via notices.

Collect Exam diary events

Diary events for exams from PARS will be sent to users via notices.

Collect Literary diary events

Literary diary events from PARS will be sent to users via notices.

Collect Musical diary events

Diary entries for musical events from PARS will be sent to users via notices.

Collect Presentation diary events

Diary events for presentations from PARS will be sent to users via notices.

Collect Sporting diary events

Diary events for sporting activities from PARS will be sent to users via notices.

Collect Visit diary events

Diary events for visits from PARS will be sent to users via notices.

Ignore PARS assignment handin dates

When dealing with assignments from PARS, Insight will not consider an assignment to be late if it was marked by the teacher after the date that it should have been handed in. This is sometimes used where teachers do not have time to record an assignment as having being completed, at the time that it is given to them. This will only take effect if the preference "Collect Assignments from PARS" is switched on.

Use the element schedule end date

On the assessments page, Insight will display a date for each grade. If this preference is switched off, then the date displayed will be the date that the grade was recorded. You can use this preference to standardise all of the dates, so the date displayed will be the end of the data entry period rather than the real date that the grade was entered.

Collect Grades from PARS

This preference allows Insight to take grades from PARS, to display to users.

PARS grade authorisation level (0=all,1=only auth,2=not unauth)

PARS has a feature for grade authorisation, where pupils' grades can be reviewed by a member of staff. Each grade will be authorised or not authorised by the member of staff that reviews the grades.

This setting is used to filter out grades based on their authorisation status. If this option is set to 0, then all grades will be shown. If the option is set to 1 then only grades that have been authorised will be shown and if the option is set to 2, then only unauthorised grades will be shown.

Include PARS communications in notices

PARS has a facility to send emails, SMS messages or letters to parents and/or pupils. If this setting is switched on, then a copy of all messages sent via PARS will be included in the notices in Insight.

Replace Detention issuer name with behaviour incident issuer

It's possible to have a behaviour incident given by one member of staff, and a detention linked to that behaviour incident given by another member of staff (often an admin member from the school office). If you would like all detentions to appear to have been given by the person that recorded the behaviour incident then turn this option on.

Collect Behaviour information from PARS

This setting makes Insight display behaviour information from PARS, and disregard anything that has been recorded in SIMS.

Collect Detention information from PARS

This option needs to be enabled if you wish to display information about detentions recorded in PARS.

Collect Report Card information from PARS

This option needs to be enabled if you wish to display information about on report cards recorded in PARS.

Collect Assignments from PARS

This option needs to be enabled if you wish to display information about homework assignments recorded in PARS.

List rule based merits

When this option is on, any positive behaviour points issued by rule based behaviours will be visible in Insight. If this option is switched off then all positive incidents given by the rules will be hidden.

List rule based demerits

When this option is on, any negative behaviour points issued by rule based behaviours will be visible in Insight. If this option is switched off then all negative incidents given by the rules will be hidden.

Allow users to cash-in based on their Positive points score, instead of their Net points score

The cashing in facility in Insight allows pupils to purchase rewards from a catalogue. Pupils have a budget of points to spend, which is built up through their behaviour.

If this preference is on, then pupils' budgets will only be relative to their positive behaviour points; the more positive points a pupil has, the more points available in the budget. If this preference is switched off then negative points will also be taken into account and will be subtracted from pupils' budgets.

Maintain cashin totals separate to accumulated points totals

This option affects the behaviour summary display on the snapshot page. If this option is switched on then pupils' positive behaviour points and the points they have spent on rewards will be separated into different sections. If this option is switched off then the points that pupils have spend on rewards will be deducted from their positive total.

Prefs cashin seperate.jpg Prefs cashin mixed.jpg
The display when cashin totals are not separated
The display when cashin totals are separated


Show anonymous images in place of student photographs

At the top right and at the bottom of Insight, there are boxes which can show the photograph of the pupil who is currently being viewed. This preference will replace the actual photograph with an image representing a person.


Your Web Proxy details

The proxy details entered here are required for Insight to be able to communicate with our servers to retrieve your licence details. If you have specific proxy details then enter them into the relevant fields, otherwise enter "DEFAULT" into the "Proxy server:port" field. Once you have entered the details, click the Text Proxy link to make sure that Insight can access


Use the SIMS Pupil Report field to decide whether to show reports

If this option is switched on then parents will only be able to see pupils' reports if they have the Pupil Report option ticked in SIMS.

SIMS Write-back

Activate SIMS write-back for address change requests

It is possible to allow parents to request to change their address via the personal details page. When a parent requests a change, an email will be sent to a nominated email address. If this preference is switched on, then the request will also appear on the address changes page, and if accepted, will write those changes back to SIMS.

Activate SIMS write-back for email address change requests

It is possible to allow parents to request to change their email address via the personal details page. When a parent requests a change, an email will be sent to a nominated email address. If this preference is switched on, then the request will also appear on the email address changes page, and if accepted, will write those changes back to SIMS.

Activate SIMS write-back for telephone number change requests

It is possible to allow parents to request to change their telephone number via the personal details page. When a parent requests a change, an email will be sent to a nominated email address. If this preference is switched on, then the request will also appear on the telephone numbers changes page, and if accepted, will write those changes back to SIMS.

Activate SIMS write-back for telephone notes

It is possible to allow parents to request to add notes to their telephone number via the personal details page. When a parent requests a change, an email will be sent to a nominated email address. If this preference is switched on, then the request will also appear on the telephone numbers changes page, and if accepted, will write those changes back to SIMS.

Activate SIMS write-back for personal attributes

It is possible to allow parents to request to change various attributes via the personal details page. When a parent requests a change, an email will be sent to a nominated email address. If this preference is switched on, then the request will also appear on the personal attribute changes page, and if accepted, will write those changes back to SIMS.


Insight can integrate with Sleuth, which is a behaviour management piece of software. If you are considering bringing in new software for behaviour management, have a look at PARS Connect.

Sleuth web service address

If you use Sleuth for behaviour recording and reporting, enter the web service address here.

Use Sleuth to provide behaviour details

This option will need to be turned on if you want Insight to collect behaviour information from Slueth.

Master Sleuth username

Enter the username into this field.

Master Sleuth password

Enter the password into this field.


To send SMS messages using Insight, you will need an account with either Text Anywhere or Teachers2Parents.

Your Textanywhere TASC authorisation number

Once you have created an account with Text Anywhere contact us to receive your authorisation code. This is required to send SMS messages.

Use SSL for SMS sending

If you want to contact the Text Anywhere servers using an SSL connection then this option needs to be turned on. This is not normally required.

Your Textanywhere client identifier

Enter the Identifier of your Text Anywhere account. The Identifier is not an email address.

Your Textanywhere client password

Enter your Text Anywhere password here.

Email address for SMS replies

If you want replies to outgoing SMS messages to be collected by an email address, enter that address into this field.

Fixed originator string

By default, SMS messages will appear in users' phones as if they have been sent from a random phone number. You can enter a name of up to 11 characters into this field, and all SMS messages will appear to come from that name rather than from a phone number. Doing this means that users will not be able to reply to SMS messages.

Introductory message for SMS

This is the message that will be used if you send information to users via the password notification page. The following mail merge fields can be used:

Mailmerge field Meaning
{addressee} The user's addressee field, taken from the Contact details window in SIMS
{county} The county of the contact's address
{country} The country of the contact's address
{district} The district of the user's address
{email} The email address of the user
{forename} The forename of the user
{fullname} The fullname of the user
{honours} The user's honours, as taken from SIMS
{housename} The name of the user's house
{housenumber} The number of the user's house
{linkedstudents} This will show a list of students linked to the user
{linkedstudentstable} This will show a list of students linked to the user, presented in a table
{multilineaddress} The address of the user, formatted on multiple lines
{pagebreak} A pagebreak
{password} The user's password (this will only work for randomly generated passwords)
{postcode} The user's postcode
{salutation} The user's salutation, taken from the Contact details window in SIMS
{schooladdress} The school's address
{schoollogo} The school's logo
{singleLineAddress} The user's address on a single line
{street} The street the user lives on
{surname} The user's surname
{title} The user's title i.e. Mr or Mrs
{todaysdate} The calendar date
{town} The town the user lives in
{username} The user's username

Forgotten password message for SMS

This is the message that will be used is users request a password reminder from the login page, and they do not have an email address (Insight will send an email instead, if possible). The same mail merge fields are available as in the preference above.

URL used to access the teachers2parents server

If you have created a teachers2parents account then enter the URL here.

Username used to authorise against the teachers2parents server

Enter the username for your teachers2parents account.

Password used to authorise against the teachers2parents server

Enter the password for your teachers2parents account.


If you are using the Insight Umbrella service then enter the relevant details in this section.

URL of the Insight Umbrella service if used

Enter the URL for the Insight Umbrella service, which is installed separately to Insight.

URL of this Insight installation for the Umbrella service to use

This field needs to contain an externally accessible address for the installation of Insight you are currently using.

User creation

Never use email addresses for usernames when synchronising parents

If this preference is switched off, then all parents will be issued with a randomly generated username. The username will be the first few characters from the user's surname followed by some numbers. If this preference is switched off, then Insight will use the user's email address as the username where available and create a random username if there is no valid email address to use.

Only create users for contacts with parental responsibility

Checking this option means that accounts will not be created for contacts without the parental responsibility option ticked in SIMS.

Only create users for contacts with Priority 1

Checking this option means that accounts will not be created for contacts with a priority level lower than 1 in SIMS.

When considering contacts with Priority 2 or lower, only create users for non-cohabitees of the student

If you are allowing users to be created for lower priority contacts, enabling this option prevents duplication of "household" accounts by only creating accounts for non-cohabiting lower priority contacts.

Disregard contacts with no email in SIMS

This option will prevent accounts being created for any parents who do not have an email address in SIMS.

Deactivate a user's links when the contact has no email in SIMS, and previously an email was found

When a sync is performed, any users who do not have an email address will have their account deactivated.

Create users for contacts with court orders

By default Insight will not allow parents to have accounts where there is a court order against them in SIMS. Use this setting if you want to create accounts in Insight for parents with court orders.

Date Of Leaving grace days before considered Off Roll

By default, Insight will prevent any information being shown for pupils who are off roll. However, parents and pupils may still want to access the information in Insight once they leave the school, for example to find their exam results. If you want to allow users to do this, enter the number of days after the pupil has been marked as off roll for their information to be made available.


This section is used to change the words used in Insight to match your school's vocabulary.

Word used in place of Detentions

Enter the word you want to use in place of "detentions". This will appear in multiple places, such as on the snapshot page and the title of the detentions page.

Word used in place of Behaviours

Enter the word you want to use in place of "behaviours". This will appear in multiple places, such as on the snapshot page and the title of the behaviours page.

Word used in place of Achievements

Enter the word you want to use in place of "achievements". This will appear in multiple places, such as on the snapshot page and the title of the achievements page.

Define snapshot red/thumbs down

On the snapshot page it is possible to display indicators showing whether a pupil's attendance, behaviour and number of exclusions exclusions are judged as "Unacceptable", "Acceptable" or "Concern".

Enter the word you would like Insight to use in place of "Unacceptable" when referring to behaviour or exclusions.

This will only take effect where the role options "Alerts" and "including Behaviour" or "including Exclusion" are switched on, from the snapshot section.

Define snapshot green/thumbs up

On the snapshot page it is possible to display indicators showing whether a pupil's attendance, behaviour and number of exclusions exclusions are judged as "Unacceptable", "Acceptable" or "Concern".

Enter the word you would like Insight to use in place of "Acceptable" when referring to behaviour or exclusions.

This will only take effect where the role options "Alerts" and "including Behaviour" or "including Exclusion" are switched on, from the snapshot section.

Define snapshot amber/yellow card

On the snapshot page it is possible to display indicators showing whether a pupil's attendance, behaviour and number of exclusions exclusions are judged as "Unacceptable", "Acceptable" or "Concern".

Enter the word you would like Insight to use in place of "Concern" when referring to behaviour or exclusions.

This will only take effect where the role options "Alerts" and "including Behaviour" or "including Exclusion" are switched on, from the snapshot section.

Define snapshot green/thumbs up for Attendance

On the snapshot page it is possible to display indicators showing whether a pupil's attendance, behaviour and number of exclusions exclusions are judged as "Unacceptable attendance", "Acceptable attendance" or "Concerning attendance".

Enter the word you would like Insight to use in place of "Acceptable attendance" when referring to attendance.

This will only take effect where the role option "Alerts" is switched on from the snapshot section.

Define snapshot amber/yellow card up for Attendance

On the snapshot page it is possible to display indicators showing whether a pupil's attendance, behaviour and number of exclusions exclusions are judged as "Unacceptable attendance", "Acceptable attendance" or "Concerning attendance".

Enter the word you would like Insight to use in place of "Concerning attendance" when referring to attendance.

This will only take effect where the role option "Alerts" is switched on from the snapshot section.

Define snapshot red/thumbs down up for Attendance

On the snapshot page it is possible to display indicators showing whether a pupil's attendance, behaviour and number of exclusions exclusions are judged as "Unacceptable attendance", "Acceptable attendance" or "Concerning attendance".

Enter the word you would like Insight to use in place of "Unacceptable attendance" when referring to attendance.

This will only take effect where the role option "Alerts" is switched on from the snapshot section.

Phrase used in place of Aspect Name

On the assessments page Insight will display a column with the header "Aspect name". This column will show the name of the aspect or element for which the pupil has a grade (i.e. "Maths Target Grade")

Enter the word you would like to use in the column header, in place of "Aspect name".

Phrase used in place of Result block

On the assessments page Insight can group pupils' grades together based on the data entry period e.g. "Year 7 Autumn Term". If this grouping is being used then users will see an expandable item which will be called "Result block: [name of data entry period]".

Enter the word you would like to use in place of "Result block".

This will only take effect where the role option "Show result block" from the assessments section is switched on.

Phrase used in place of Level

On the assessments page Insight can display a column with the header "Level". This column will show a portion of the aspect name. The other portion of the aspect name will be shown in the Aspect name column header.

This will only take effect where the role option "Attempt level split on aspect name" from the assessments section is switched on.

Enter the word you would like to use in the column header, in place of "Level".

Phrase used in place of Result

On the assessments page Insight will display a column with the header "Result". This column will show pupil's grade(s).

Enter the word you would like to use in the column header, in place of "Result".

Phrase used in place of More reports

On the reports page, Insight will allow parents to view the most recent document from the pupil's linked documents in SIMS. Older documents will be available to users via a button called "More reports".

Enter the word you would like to use in place of "More reports".

Phrase used in place of assignments Pending

On the assignments page, pupils' homeworks will be given a status which indicates whether the homework has been completed, handed in late, outstanding, etc.

"Pending" is the word used when an assignment has been given to a pupil and they have not yet handed it in, and the due date is in the future (the homework is not overdue).

This will only take effect where the role option "Show status column" from the assignments section is switched on.

Phrase used in place of assignments Complete

On the assignments page, pupils' homeworks will be given a status which indicates whether the homework has been completed, handed in late, outstanding, etc.

"Complete" is the word used when an assignment has been given to a pupil and they have handed it in before or on the due date (the homework was not submitted late).

This will only take effect where the role option "Show status column" from the assignments section is switched on.

Phrase used in place of assignments Overdue

On the assignments page, pupils' homeworks will be given a status which indicates whether the homework has been completed, handed in late, outstanding, etc.

"Overdue" is the word used when an assignment has been given to a pupil and they have not yet handed it in, and the due date is in the past (the homework is overdue).

This will only take effect where the role option "Show status column" from the assignments section is switched on.

Phrase used in place of assignments Exception

On the assignments page, pupils' homeworks will be given a status which indicates whether the homework has been completed, handed in late, outstanding, etc.

"Exception" is the word used when an assignment has not been given to a pupil as they were excused from completing it.

This will only take effect where the role option "Show status column" from the assignments section is switched on.

Phrase used in place of assignments Very overdue

On the assignments page, pupils' homeworks will be given a status which indicates whether the homework has been completed, handed in late, outstanding, etc.

"Overdue" is the word used when an assignment has been given to a pupil and they have not yet handed it in, and the due date is 14 days or more in the past (the homework is at least 2 weeks overdue).

This will only take effect where the role option "Show status column" from the assignments section is switched on.

Phrase used in place of assignments Submission in class

When creating a homework assignment via the manage assignments page, staff will have an option to for "Submission in class". If this option is not used then pupils will be allowed to submit documents via Insight.

Enter the word that you would like Insight to use in place of "Submission in class".

Phrase used in place of student event slot

When creating student events via the manage student events page, the default name given to each slot will be "student event slot".

Enter the word that you would like Insight to use in place of "student event slot".