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Assignments are homeworks. Can be set in Insight, PARS or SIMS. Configuration is required if you want to send information via email or SMS.

Assignments are projects for pupils to complete in their own time - often called homework. Assignments can be created in Insight and viewed by parents or pupils. You can upload attachments to an assignment and record which pupils have and have not completed their homework. It is also possible for pupils to upload completed assignments which can be accessed online by staff.

If you have PARS then any assignments you have already created can be made visible through Insight, though pupils cannot upload their own documents for assignments created in PARS.

Managing Assignments

Creating an Assignment

The role options required to create an assignment are:
Manage > Assignments (On)

To create an assignment, staff should go to:
Manage > Assignments

Click Add to create a new assignment. This will take you to a new screen. Enter a Title for the assignment. The Issued date is the date that the homework is given to the students and the Due date is the deadline for the assignment to be completed.

There is a role option that determines whether parents/students are able to see assignments where the Due date is in the future:
General > Assignments > Strip future (On will prevent assignments being shown if the Due date is in the future)

Option Effect
Title This is the name of the assignment.
Issued & Due dates The issued date is when the homework will be given to pupils. You can create homework assignments in advance if you set this date in the future. The due date is the date that you expect the homework to be given in
Expected The expected field allows you to record the amount of time that you think pupils will need to complete the homework. This can be useful for parents and pupils in managing their homework and time
Email students This will send an email to the students' work email addresses from SIMS, or to the email from their Insight user account if pupils have their own accounts (the AD links module is needed for this)
Email parents This will send an email to all of the students' contacts using the email address associated to their Insight account. If contacts do not have an email address in Insight, they will not receive an email
SMS This will send an SMS message to all of the students' contacts using the SMS number they have associated to their Insight account. If contacts do not have an SMS number in Insight, they will not receive an SMS message
Show all classes By default, Insight will only allow you to set homework for your own classes. However if you want to set homework for a class that you do not normally teach then you should tick this option
Submission in class Ticking this option means that you expect the homework to be handed-in in class, and therefore online submission will be disabled. If you do not use this option, the pupils will be able to submit their work online


In the detail section you should type notes about the assignment you are giving to pupils. You can edit the text (font, size, colour, etc.) and insert links to webpages. There is also a spell check option at the bottom right of this section.

Communication setup


To issue to homework, you will need to choose the pupils who need to complete it. Click on the Assignees tab then navigate through subjects to find the class or classes you wish to assign the homework to. When you select a class, all of the pupils in that class will appear on the right hand side. You can deselect specific students from that list if you wish.


Use the attachments tab to upload files to your assignment. These attachments can be accessed by parents or pupils via Insight. The attachments are not included in any emails sent.

Marking assignments and giving feedback

To record which pupils have completed the assignment, select the assignment then click the Edit Button. Click on the "Assignees" tab in the window that opens. You will see a list of the pupils, next to each there will be an icon. These icons are used to record whether or not the pupil has completed the assignment. Click on an icon to change it or click the text above the list of pupils to mark all as complete.


Open1.jpg Open The pupil has not yet submitted the assignment
Complete1.jpg Complete The pupil has completed the assignment
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Exception The pupil has been excused from completing the assignment
Incomplete1.jpg Incomplete The pupil has failed to complete the assignment

An evidence button will appear next to a student's name if they have uploaded a document relevant to the assignment. The feedback button can by used to add a comment relating to the student's work that can be viewed online.

Managing Each Others' Assignments

Assignments (also known as homeworks) can be created and managed in Insight. When dealing with Assignments, by default staff will only be able to see their own assignments. Certain staff, such as Heads of Department, may need access to view Assignments created by other staff members. The Assignment Permissions page is used to grant this access to staff.

The Assignment Permissions page

The Assignment Permissions page has a drop down at the top left which contains a list of staff members. There is also a list of staff below, each with an On/Off button.


Editing Permissions

First, use the drop down at the top left to select the user you want to give permission to. Then use the On/Off switches to enable the chosen user to view Assignments created by other members of staff. There is no save button; clicking on the switches is all you need to do.

Viewing other staff member's assignments

Once a staff member has the relevant permissions, they can use reports to view other staff members' assignments. The following reports can be used:
Reports > Assignment summary
Reports > Assignment summary (staff)

The following report shows a count of the number of assignments set by each staff member. This will always show all staff member, regardless of the Assignment Permissions settings.
Reports > Assignments report

Students and Parents Viewing Assignments

The Assignments page in Insight allows parents to view the homework assignments that have been given to their children. Homework assignments can be issued via Insight, SIMS or PARS.

The assignments page will show previous weeks' assignments (the user's role options determine how many weeks' assignments are shown).

Assignment list2.jpg

Users will be able to download any attachments that have been added to the assignment, see the additional notes added by staff, see the mark the pupil received for their work (only if the homework was added via PARS) and upload their completed work for staff to access (only if the homework was added via Insight).

If the assignment was configured to allow pupils to submit their work online then users can click the Evidence button to open a window which allows them to upload a document. Staff will then be able to access these documents via the manage assignments page.

Assignment evidence2.jpg

Reporting On Assignments

Assignment Summary

The assignment summary report shows the homework assignments that have been issued to each of the subjects and classes. Only assignments created in Insight will be displayed in this report - assignments created in PARS can only be reported on by using PARS.

The assignments for each subject will be grouped together. Within each subject, you will see one row per assignment that was issued. The table will show which class the assignment was issued to, and whether or not each of the pupils completed the homework.

Assignment summary1.jpg

Assignment Summary (Staff)

This report shows a list of the assignments given, broken down by subject. Each assignment will show the class it was issued to, its issued date and due date, the staff member that issued it and any additional details.

Only assignments created in Insight will be displayed here; assignments created in PARS can only be reported on via PARS.

Ass summary staff1.jpg

Assignments Report

The assignment report displays a list of the staff members who have created assignments, showing which subjects the assignments were issued to and how many have been created for each subject.

Two calendars appear at the top of the report which are used to select a date range over which to run the report. Once the date range is selected, the Report button is used to generate the information.

Assigment report.jpg