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In this case, the line should be formatted with the date, AM or PM, then the start and end time, all separated by commas: <br>
In this case, the line should be formatted with the date, AM or PM, then the start and end time, all separated by commas: <br>
10/05/2015,AM,08:50,10:00 <br> <br>
10/05/2015,AM,08:50,10:00 <br> <br>
This file is used to add items to the Snapshot page in Insight. Each custom item needs to be created as a html page and saved in the _Personalisation folder. Once an item has been created, the snapshot.bolton file can be edited: <br>
The title will be shown on the snapshot page about the new item. The "example" part of the URL should be replaced with the name of the html file in the _Personalisation folder and the height is the number of pixels tall that the item will be. Items are always 300px wide. <br> <br>
Multiple snapshot.bolton files can be used by creating a new file and adding a number to the end of "snapshot" e.g. snapshot1.bolton.xml <br> <br>

Revision as of 15:56, 21 September 2018

Change the way Insight looks

The appearance of Insight can be easily changed and amended to suit your taste or school colour scheme. There are various sections of Insight that can be changed, and methods for applying these changes, which are described below.

Custom colour schemes

The default colour scheme is a light grey background with dark grey toolbars. This colour scheme can be changed using files generated or downloaded online. See the themes page for more information about creating and importing custom colour schemes.

Custom icons

You can change the icons used for any of the menu items. Some pages in Insight also show subject icons (such as timetable and parents evenings). Subject icons can also be changed if desired.

In the _Personalisation folder, there is a file called "BuiltInIcons.txt". This file contains a list of the names of the icons that Insight uses for each icon.

If you want to use a custom icon, then you will need a 32x32 PNG file of your new icon. Save a copy of the new icon in the _Personalistion folder and name the icon according the to names in the BuiltInIcons.txt file.

For example, if you wanted to use a new icon for the parents evenings menu item, you would save your 32x32 PNG file in the _Personalisation folder and name it "parentsevening_icon.png"

The school logo will appear on the tab in the browser that is running Insight, and may also appear on the login page. There are two methods which can be used to change the school logo in Insight.

Method 1 - SIMS

By default, Insight will take the school logo from SIMS. You can find and change the school logo in SIMS via:
Focus > School > School details

This will be overruled if the web.config file has been told to use a different file. See below for details.

Method 2 - web.config

You can upload a .PNG file to the Insight root folder on the IIS server and change the settings in the web.config file to use your chosen .PNG . This can either be done using the service controller or by manually uploaded the file and updated the web.config.

If you want to use the service controller then run the service controller and look for a logo option on the Commit tab. Click the browse button and select a .PNG file that you would like Insight to use for the school logo, then click Begin. The service controller will upload the file to the Insight root folder and make the appropriate changes to the web.config file.

Alternatively, you can upload the .PNG file to the Insight root folder yourself and then edit the web.config folder. You will need to change the "Logo" setting:


     <setting name="Logo" serializeAs="String">


     <setting name="Logo" serializeAs="String">
  • Refresh Insight by pressing CTRL & F5 or logging-in and out then you will see your changes.

Change the way Insight works

The files in the _Personalisation folder allow you to make specific changes to Insight which cannot be put in place through either the role options or preference settings.

All the files will initially have an extension of '.unused'; in addition to any actions below you will need to remove the 'unused' extension for the file(s) to take effects.


This file holds the timings for registration periods during a week and any specific session times required. If your session times in Insight are incorrect then you need to update this file.

At the top of the file there will be fourteen lines of text; one for the AM and PM session of each day of the week. The first line is Monday AM, the next is Monday PM, the next is Tuesday AM, and so on.

The lines should be formatted so that they show the start and end time of each session, separated by a comma. For example, a session that starts at 8:50 and finishes at 9:15 should be written as:

Below the fourteen lines at the top of the file, you can add additional lines for sessions with unusual timings, for example, when having an INSET day and the session is going to last longer than normal.

In this case, the line should be formatted with the date, AM or PM, then the start and end time, all separated by commas: