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Addmod2.png Additional Module

The marksheets module allows staff to access their SIMS marksheets via Insight. Since Insight is web-based, it is accessible from outside of school. This means the marksheets module can be a very efficient way of providing staff with the ability to enter grades from home.

The Marksheets page

You can select from your available marksheets by clicking the drop-down at the top of the page.


Columns that are read-only will have a grey background colour, whereas open columns are blue.

How to enter grades

You can enter grades by clicking in any of the blue cells - this will open the grade entry box shown below:


You can manually type the grade if you wish. Alternatively, you can click the Binoculars button to open a window showing all of the available grades:


You can also click the speech mark button to enter comments and the palette button to colour the cell on your marksheet. The tick button will save any changes you have made, and the cross will cancel.

What the buttons do

There are a number of buttons at the top-right of the page. See below for the effects of each button.


The columns button allows you to choose additional information columns to display on your marksheet. A window will open showing all of the available extra columns:



This allows you to export your marksheet to Excel.


If you have any formlua columns on your marksheets, then you can click this button to perform calculations.


This will commit any changes you have made, saving them in SIMS.