Missing registers

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Deal with missing registers

Taking registers regularly is very important as the school should know where pupils are for the purposes of safeguarding and in case of a fire. Unfortunately registers are not always taken on time, or even at all. Use this page of PARS to find and remind staff who have not completed their registers.

This page is accessed via:
PARS main menu > Attendance > Missing registers

The Missing registers page

You can choose which staff to track by clicking on the "Select staff" button from the top toolbar - you will then see a window allowing you to select which staff members' registers to analyse. Once you have chosen the staff, you should choose the date range you want to use; click the "Start date" and "End date" buttons to define your date range. Click "Refresh" once done to scan for missing registers.


If a register is 'missing' - which means that it has at least 1 missing mark - then it will have a cross icon. Each missing register has two icons next to it, a person with a bubble and a register.


Click this to send a notice to the staff member about their incomplete register.


Click this to take the register yourself.

Filtering data

Once you have identified some unexplained marks, you can apply filters if needed. To do this, click the "Filter" button from the top toolbar. If you later want to remove the filter from this page, click the "Relax filters" button.


It is often helpful to apply the top two filters from this window, "Hide completed" and "Hide completed rows". This will remove all completed registers from view and if a teacher has completed all of their registers, they will be removed from this page.


If necessary, you can exclude certain classes from this page. You might do this if you know there is a specific issue stopping a certain teacher taking their registers. To do this, click the "Exclusions" button from the top toolbar. That will open a window where you can choose which form registers or lesson registers you would like to exclude.


The wildcard field at the top of the pop-up allows you to exclude multiple classes at once. Enter some text that is common to several classes and click the tick. For example if you wanted to exclude all Art classes you might enter "Ar" - this would exclude all classes with "Ar" in their code.

You can also enter a wildcard value and click the cross to deselect classes in bulk.

Sending notices

You can use this screen to send messages to all staff members who have not completed their registers, reminding them to get it done. To do this, click the "Send notices" button from the top toolbar - every staff member on this screen who has a missing register will receive a notice informing them of which registers are not complete, with links to those registers so they can easily be updated.


You can alter the text used in the notice sent to staff if desired - to do this click the "Edit notice" button. A window will open allowing you to define what text should be used in the notices sent to staff regarding missing registers.


Missing registers reports

You can track Missing Registers and those who fail to complete registers on time via: Attendance > Attendance Reports > Attendance Miscellaneous. Please see Missing Registers Attendance Reports for further details.