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Creating a Parents Evening

Creating a Parents Evening

The following role options are required to configure a parents evening:
Manage > Parents Evening (On)
Manage > Parents Evening > Allow access to event management (On)

To create a new parents evening go to:
Manage > Parents Evening

Click the Add button at the top of the page. A new page will open with four tabs.

Details Tab

Enter the name of the Parents Evening in the Description field. The Status should remain set to Design for now. Do not select the Relax During option for now either. See the Advanced section below for information regarding this setting.

Enter the Date for the Parents Evening. By default, Insight will use this date to determine which classes the pupils are in.

In some cases you may want to use a different date to determine which classes the students are in. For example, if the parents evening takes place soon after the students have rotated technology classes, then you may wish to use a date earlier than the Parents Evening so that parents make bookings with the students' previous teacher. If this is the case, enter the date you wish to use in the Academic Date field and Insight will use this to determine which classes the students are in. Otherwise, leave the Academic Date field empty.

Enter the Start Time and End Time for the Parents Evening. The Slot Length is the number of minutes that each appointment will last. If you want to force parents to have a break immediately before and after each appointment, see the Advanced section below.

The Limit Number Of User Bookings To will prevent a parent making more than this number of bookings, even if their child has more classes than this. Leave the Sort Bookings List By Relationship option unticked. Insist Priority 1s Make Bookings means that only Priority 1 contacts will be able to make bookings for the Parents Evening.

The Allow Parental Agenda Setting will allow parents to type a note when they are making a booking. Staff members will be able to see these notes on their list of bookings prior to the Parents Evening.

Upload a Guidance Document if required. Many schools will upload a Floor Plan for parents to download. This can be done at a later point.

Parents evening details tab.jpg

Students Tab

Select the year group(s) of students who will be attending the Parents Evening.

Staff Tab

Select Academic Supervisors if you want parents to be able to make bookings with class teachers. When this option is enabled you can also use the Restrict To Main Class Teachers option, which means that parents can only make bookings with the "Main Class Teacher" for each class. (Note the Main Class Teacher is defined in SIMS and is not necessarily the teacher who takes the class most often).

Use the Include Tutors option to allow parents to make bookings with the students' form tutors. Similarly, use the Include House Supervisors to allow parents to make bookings with the Heads of House.

The Include SIMS User Defined Groups option will display a list of User Defined Groups from SIMS. Select any groups to include in the Parents Evening. The parents of the students in that group will be able to make bookings with the supervisor of the group, just like an academic class.

On the right side of the page Insight will display a list of the staff who will be available during the evening. If you do not see a list of staff, check that the Insight SIMS User has the correct academic year set in SIMS.

Exclusions Tab

This tab is used to exclude registration groups from the Parents Evening. This is typically used by large schools that have two separate evenings for each year group.

Click Select Some Options to see a dropdown and select the registration group(s) to exclude.

Excluding Classes / Subjects

Making Bookings for Students


How Staff Use

Making Bookings for Students

Download a List of Appointments

Mark Attendance

How Parents Use

Making Bookings

Downloading Documents