Parents evenings

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Parents Evenings within INSIGHT, allows parents to make bookings with staff for parents evenings. Bookings are made on a first-come-first-served basis.

In order to use Parents Evening fucntionality in INSIGHT, you will need to have purchased the 'Parents Evening' INSIGHT Optional Add-On.
To check if you have this - you can navigate to 'Reports' > 'Licence Details'.

Parents View


Parents can make bookings with staff by clicking the time that they want, next to the staff member's name.
There will be an icon showing the subject for each teacher and a tick next to any teacher with whom the parent already has an appointment.
It is possible to set a maximum number of bookings per parent if required.

The Parents Evening page will show a list of staff that are available for the evening, and a list of the appointments that the parent has made so far.
Parents will see a list of times next to each staff member, which represent available slots to see that member of staff.

To select a time, a parents must simple click the desired time within the 'Available bookings' section.

Managing bookings

Once a parents evening has been created and has a status of 'Booking' it will become available to any parents of students associated to the parents evening.

While the majority of parents will not have any issues making bookings it may be required for an admin staff to manage and maintain the bookings made for the parents evening.

In order to do this, an admin staff member should navigate to 'Events' , then select the Parents evening, then click the 'Schedule' button.



Excluding specific groups of students from the Parents Evening

To exclude a particular group from the parents evening ParEveExclud.jpg

Click the 'group' dropdown, then select the group you wish to exclude from the list, then a small 'Exclude' button will appear, click this and the group will be excluded from the parents evening.

Unavailable Slots/Staff Breaks

During the course of a Parents Evening, staff may require breaks or may not be available for specific slots.

It is possible to make staff 'Unavailable' for specific slots. It is also possible to arrange 'Breaks' for staff if required.

To do this, an ADMIN should log in and access 'Parents Evenings' .

Then click 'Schedule' .

Then in this view, please select either 'Unavailable' or 'Break' , then simply click inside any slots you wish to be populated with this status.

This will then ensure that within the 'Parental view' , those staff are not available for those specific timeslots.

Staggering Unavailable/Break slots

'Staggering' ensures that multiple staff are not on break/unavailable at any one time.

In order to do this you will want to firstly select 'Unavailable' or 'Break' within the 'Schedule screen.

Having done this please click any timeslot column header.

Then a small window will appear that looks like this: Stag1.jpg
You should then click 'Stagger', this will then open another window. Stag2.jpg
