List of role options

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AD links


Generated Passwords

Student Links



Address Changes

Capitalise Town Always begin towns or cities with a capital letter.

Telephone No. changes

Email address changes

Personal Attribute changes

Assessment Manager subjects

User-defined pages

Gallaries (management)


Parents' evenings (this is the administrative view, not the parents view)

Alternative menu title Enter a menu title to use in menus in place of Parents evenings.
Allow access to multiple staff Allows the user to make bookings on behalf of any member of staff.
Allow access to event management Allows the user to edit the event i.e. Start and End time.
Allow over booking Allow the user to double-book pupils.
Allow unavailable and break booking Allow the user to make bookings, even where slots are marked as unavailable or break.

Notice composer

Alternative menu title Enter a menu title to use in menus in place of Notice composer.
Show other users notices Display notices created/edited by other users.

Application usage

Do not contact

Forums (management)


Show all classes and subjects Allow staff to set assignments for any class, not just those that they teach.



Attendance summary

Alternative menu title Enter a menu title to use in menus in place of Attendance Summary.
Show attendance by session Shows or hides the Attendance by session bar graph
Show week by week Turn this on to show the week-by-week section of the summary
Show codes summary Show or hides the Code summary table
merge AM and PM Bundles AM and PM present marks into a single mark.
Show statistical summary Shows or hides the statistical summary table
Show calendar view Shows or hides the calendar view for attendance.
Disclaimer Enter details of any necessary disclaimer.

Attendance comparison

Attendance career

Lesson summary

Use "show lesson for years" setting from Snapshot This will show or hide the whole menu item for students not in the relevant Snapshot list.
Show week by week Turn this on to show the week-by-week section of the summary.
Show codes summary Show or hides the Code summary table.
merge AM and PM Bundles AM and PM present marks into a single mark.
Show statistical summary Shows or hides the statistical summary table.
Show calendar view Shows or hides the calendar view for attendance.
Disclaimer Enter details of any necessary disclaimer.

Report Absences

Valid reasons Enter a list of valid reasons for absence, separated by the + symbol.
Allow reporting of planned absences Select this option if you want the user to be able to report planned absences.
Maximum age of absence in days The number of days upto which the user can report historic absences through Insight.
Acceptance message Enter an acceptance message here should you wish to do so.


Parents evenings

allow non-teachers Turn this on to allow parents to reserve parents evening bookings with staff who do not directly teach their children.
allow user bookings Turn this on to allow parents evening appointments to be made.
Disclaimer Enter details of any necessary disclaimer.

School dinners

Choose Options


URL Enter the URL to give access to SMyLE
Start Enter date from which user will have access to SMyLE through Insight.
End Enter date to which user will have access to SMyLE through Insight
Years Enter the year group/s for which the user will have access to SMyLE

iCal export


Alternative menu title Enter a word to use in menus in place of Snapshot
House colours Although not recommended, you can enter a list of house name/colour code pairs, each pair separated from the next by a semi-colon, and containing the house name followed by a colon, then the HTML colour, including the hash character.
Current attendance Switch the attendance section on or off.
show sessions for years Use asterisk to show sessions for all years, or enter a list of year numbers separated by the plus symbol.
show lessons for years Use asterisk to show lessons for all years, or enter a list of year numbers separated by the plus symbol.
show Rooms Displays room codes in the current attendance section.
show gridlines Displays the current attendance section with separating lines between classes
show attendance symbols Shows symbols for attendance.
show hover over descriptions Description of icon displayed when hovered over
This terms attendance Show or hide a graph of the current term's attendance
Alerts shows the alerts set up in (Tools - Setups - Student Teacher View) for Attendance, Behaviour, and Exclusions
Including Attendance Selecting shows the attendance alert.
Including Behaviour Selecting shows the behaviour alert.
Including Exclusion Selecting shows the exclusion alert.
•all Exclusions are unacceptable As you can't set SIMS to jump from green to red in one go, selecting this does the same job.
Using hands in place of flags The default is flags or you can opt for hands, thumb up or down.
Showing rules used Shows the rules used to set up alerts.
Display annotations on screen Displays information on the screen usually acquired by hovering over icon.
Using behaviour incidents in the range Select the range from, All, This year, This term, This week or Today to use for the snapshot alert.
Behaviour Switches the behaviour section on or off
Use points instead of events for behaviour Shows points score instead of the number of incidents.
Notices Show or hide recent notices and/or SIMS events.
showing current year Turn this on to show the current school year details.
excluding SIMS events Turn this on to hide SIS events form this small notices subset, while leaving them in the full notices list.
Server performance report This will provide a summary of SQL server performance, and is only to be used for investigative purposes.


Show public linked documents Select to show any public linked documents for the selected pupil that has been uploaded to SIMS.
public linked documents earliest date Enter a date before which linked documents will not be shown
do not show the following documents types Enter a list of blocked document types, separated by the plus symbol

Personal details

Show tutors name Turn this on to show the long name instead of initials.
Show SEN Status Show or hide the current SEN status.
Show Contact Student details Show or hide the student's contact details.
Show Other Users Details Shows or hides the details of other contacts for the pupil held in SIMS. Use with caution
Show Home Address Shows or hides the home address in full. Use with caution
Allow address changes Users can notify school of any changes to address when this option is selected.
Allow telephone number changes Users can notify school of any changes to telephone numbers when this option is selected.
Allow email address changes Users can notify school of any changes to email addresses when this option is selected.
Allow student email address changes Users can notify school of any changes to the student's email address when this option is selected.
Show telephone contact notes This option allows the user to see any notes entered here or in SIS against the contact number.
Show mode of travel Shows or hides the student's usual mode of travel to school.
allow mode of travel changes Allows changes to student's mode of travel.
Show route Shows or hides the route to school usually taken by the student.
allow route changes Allows changes to student's route to school.
Show emergency contact Shows or hides the emergency contact for the pupil held in SIMS. Use with caution
Show dietary requirements Shows or hides the student's dietary needs if any.
allow dietary requirements changes Allows changes to student's dietary requirements
Show home language Shows or hides the student's home language.
allow home language changes Allows changes to home language
Show Religion Shows or hides the student's religion.
allow religion changes Allows changes to religion
Show FSM Shows or hides the Free School Meals status.
Show Connexions assent Shows the assent status where applicable.
Show gender Shows or hides gender of student
Show ethnicity Shows or hides any ethnicity information
allow ethnicity changes Allows changes to ethnicity information.
Show consents Shows or hides consents from user
allow consent changes Allows changes to consent information.
Show chosen name Shows or hides preferred name
Show medical Shows or hides medical information


Show Staff Names Shows the teachers long name instead of initials
Use "show lessons for years" setting from Snapshot If this option is turned on, lessons marks will only be displayed for the years listed in the show lessons for years
and use this to hide the whole period If this option is turned on, the whole lesson will be hidden for the listed years. If it is turned off, the lesson will be shown, but without a mark.
Use "show sessions for years" setting from Snapshot Shows and hides statutory registration periods. Please see Timetable periods for clarification.
Show session marks Shows or hides the attendance marks for statutory registration periods.
Show class codes for lessons Shows or hides the class code - the subject will remain.
Show rooms Shows or hides an indication of the timetabled room
use short room name If the room is show, you can select to display either the long or the short name.
Squeeze misaligned slots Where there may be gaps in the timetable, or if lessons do not happen at the same time each day, this option formats the timetable more regularly.
Hide these subjects Enter a list of subjects which are always to be hidden, separated by the plus symbol.
Allow use of /_Personalisation/TimetableJump.aspx Allows user to see specific sections of the timetable within other systems.
Show SMyLE feedback Allows user to see feedback from SMyLE.


SEN Details

Alternative menu title Enter a word to use in menus in place of SEN Details.
Earliest Enter a date before which SEN events, provisions, etc. will not be shown.
Show needs Shows or hides a list of the student's needs
replace needs with full descriptions If the needs are not descriptive enough, you can show the full descriptions.
Show events Show or hide SEN events
Show provisions Show or hide SEN Provisions
Show IEPs Show or hide education plans
Show gifted and talented Show or hide gifts and talents
Show review information Show or hide SEN review dates and details
Show statements Show or hide SEN statements
Show SEN documents Show or hide SEN documents uploaded to SIMS

BBC Education News

Start Enter date from which user will have access to BBC Education News through Insight
End Enter end date to which user will have access to BBC Education News through Insight
Years Enter the year group/s for which the user will have access to BBC Education News

BBC Sports News

Start Enter date from which user will have access to BBC Sports News through Insight
End Enter end date to which user will have access to BBC Sports News through Insight
Years Enter the year group/s for which the user will have access to BBC Sports News

Linked adults and agencies

Alternative menu title Enter a word to use in menus in place of Linked adults and agencies, for example Useful contacts
Show Agent Includes agents in the directory
Expand Agent Expands the Agent node by default
Show Agency Includes agencies in the directory
Expand Agency Expands the Agency node by default
Show Academic Includes relevant academic staff in the directory
Expand Academic Expands the Academic node by default
Show Pastoral Includes relevant pastoral staff in the directory
Expand Pastoral Expands the Pastoral node by default
Show Contact Includes all student contacts in the directory. This should be used with caution
Expand Contact Expands the Contact node by default
Show Medical Includes medical contacts in the directory.
Expand Medical Expands the Medical node by default
Show Other Includes any other contacts in the directory.
Expand Other Expands the Other node by default


Alternative menu title Enter a word to use in menus in place of Assignments , for example Homework
Earliest Enter the number of weeks for which the user will see the student's homework.
Strip old open This option will show or hide any assignments still in the open state, i.e. because it has not been handed-in.
Show status column Show or hide the assignment status information.
Show mark column Show or hide the assignment mark.


New topics can be added turn this on to allow users in this Role to start new topics.
Replies can be posted If replies cannot be posted, forums become effectively announcements.
Replies can be edited This option allows users to amend their own posts.
Alternative menu title Enter a word to use in menus in place of Forums, for example Announcements
Use for announcements only Select this to force the forums into announcements only mode.

Mums net (an example of a user-defined page setup in Preferences)

Start Enter date from which user will have access to Mums net through Insight
End Enter date to which user will have access to Mums net through Insight
Years Enter the year group/s for which the user will have access to Mums net



Earliest Enter a date before which achievements will not be shown.
Show comments Turn this option on to show achievements comments.
Show points values Show or hide the point's column.
Show outcomes Show or hide the outcome column.
Hide zero point items Leave set to Off to show zero point items, or On to hide them.
Show staff Show or hide the associated staff column.
Show location Show or hide the associated location.


Earliest Enter a date before which behaviours will not be shown.
Show comments Turn this option on to show behaviour comments.
Only show resolved Select to show only incidents that have been resolved. Incidents that are on-going will not be shown.
Show points values Show or hide the point's column.
Show outcomes Show or hide the outcome column.
Hide zero point items Leave set to Off to show zero point items, or On to hide them.
Show staff Show or hide the associated staff column.
Show location Show or hide the associated location.


Show attendance Shows the attendance in a detention period.
Show comments Turn this option on to show detention comments.
Earliest Enter a date before which detentions will not be shown.
Show reasons Show or hide the reason for a detention.

Report Card

Show details Turn this option On to show the details on the report card.


Show comments Turn this option On to show exclusion comments.



For these years Enter a list of year groups, separated by the plus symbol, for which this menu item is to be shown.
Show data from how many previous academic years Select the number of years of data you want the user to see.
or specify other amounts for specific yeargroups Enter amounts in the form yeargroup:amount, separated by a plus, for example 7:0+8:1+9:2+10:0+11:1+12:0+13:1
Alternative menu title Enter a word to use in menus in place of Assessments.
Earliest Enter a date before which assessments will not be shown.
Latest Enter a date after which assessments will not be shown.
Latest first Turn this option on to attempt to order the assessments with the most recent at the top.
Limit to current subjects Turn this option on to only show assessments for currently taken subjects, or leave switched off for all subjects.
Use gradeset description in place of result Where a result has a description within its gradeset, use this instead of the actual result.
Expand by default This options sets whether groups of assessments start out expanded or collapsed.
Show result block To show assessments by resultset or reporting period.
group by result block Use this option to cluster assessments by resultset or reporting period.
Show latest grade in group rows Uses the latest grade with a group as a reminder in the group row itself.
Limit Targets to main grade result block Limit to main grade result block
restrict to outermost group This option prevents subgroups having latest grades shown in group rows.
Attempt level split on aspect name Useful only if your aspect names begin with a recognisable level, results can be arranged in levels.
Show grade help popup Will provide help popup regarding grades.
Show progress charts Hide or show progress charts

Examination entries

Show forecast grade Shows or hides the forecast grade column.
Show mode Shows or hides the mode option.
Show status Shows or hides the status.
Disclaimer Enter details of any necessary disclaimer.

Examination results

Date format Examination results date format
Show points column Shows or hides the point's column.
points column title Enter a title for the points column
split points column Split points column into points and equivalent information.
Show forecast column Shows or hides the forecast grade column.
Show external column Shows or hides the external column.
Show due dates Enter the due dates here.
Disclaimer Enter details of any necessary disclaimer.

Examination coursework

Key Stage results

Latest date Enter the latest date for Key Stage results
Include average point scores Show or hide average point scores
Use gradeset description in place of result To select the gradeset description instead of results.
KS3 En ATs Show or hide English result
KS3 Ma ATs Show or hide Maths result
KS3 Sc ATs Show or hide Science result
KS3 Other ATs Show or hide Other result
KS3 En Test Levels Show or hide English test levels.
KS3 Ma Test Levels Show or hide Maths test levels.
KS3 Sc Test Levels Show or hide Science test levels.
KS3 Other Test Levels Show or hide Other test levels.
KS2 En ATs Show or hide English result
KS2 Ma ATs Show or hide Maths result
KS2 Sc ATs Show or hide Science result
KS2 En Test Levels Show or hide English test levels.
KS2 Ma Test Levels Show or hide Maths test levels.
KS2 Sc Test Levels Show or hide Science test levels.
KS1 En ATs Show or hide English result
KS1 Ma ATs Show or hide Maths result
KS1 Sc ATs Show or hide Science result
KS1 En Test Levels Show or hide English test levels.
KS1 Ma Test Levels Show or hide Maths test levels.
KS1 Sc Test Levels Show or hide Science test levels.

Examination timetable

Use default timetable There are two possible timetables, the default which has seating arrangements, or alternatively one without if you do not user seating.
Include open seasons Use this option of you want to show open exam seasons.
Disclaimer Enter details of any necessary disclaimer.


This item is unlike others in that the menu items will be built dynamically dependent on the subjects a student is taking.


Earliest date Enter the date from which the information can be requested.
Latest cut-off date Enter the date after which information cannot be requested.
Hide non-PDF's This option will hide anything that is not a PDF file.
prefer HTML to PDF Opt for HTML over PDF file
Report Documents Filter Enter a list of keywords, each prefixed with either a plus or minus sign, and separated by ampersands.
Include General Documents containing When using Linked Documents for reports, leave this blank to not show any General Documents, or enter some filter text to select which to show.
Additional menu using filter Setup additional menu items for individual reports.
show filtered for years Use yeargroups separated by +, or the * symbol for all.
Show attendance info Show or hide attendance information.
Alternative menu title Allows user to amend a menu title.
Embed report titles into main menu This will override any other menu titles you have entered earlier and name them after the report titles.
using word wrapping Allows user to select word wrapping for embedded report titles.
Show grade summary Use this option to show assessments on the subject pages
for these years Enter a list of year groups separated by the plus symbol for which you want the grade summary to display
using gradeset descriptions Where a result has a description within its gradeset, use this instead of the actual result.
for how many previous academic years Select the number of academic years to go back to find grades for the summary, where zero means the current year only.
or specify other amounts for specific yeargroups Enter the amount of previous years for specific groups in the form yeargroup:amount, separated by a plus, for example 7:0+8:1+9:2+10:0+11:1+12:0+13:1.
latest first Show grades ordered latest first.
latest date Enter a date, after which grades will not be shown, for example if they are pending checks.
use _Personalisation\aspect.priorities file Allows access to specific information




Linked aspects

Engagement analysis

Parents evenings (this is the reports item, and as a scroll in the corner)

Alternative menu title Enter a word to use in menus in place of Parents evenings

Licence details

SIMS Synchronisation Report