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Use this page to troubleshoot any incidents where a parent has not had an account created, or where an account is not linked to as many students as you expected.

An existing parent account is not linked to a student

A common cause for this is duplicate parents being created in SIMS. Log in to SIMS and go to:
Focus > Person > Contacts

If the parent appears in this list more than once then they have been duplicated in SIMS. Resolve this in SIMS by removing the duplicate parent(s) and linking the children to the remaining parent. Once this is done, run a Sync on the 'Users page to update the parent accounts in Insight.

If the parent has not been duplicated in SIMS then follow the steps in the section below.

A parent account is not being created

In order for an account to be created for a parent, the parent must have a valid link to at least one child at school. Whether a parent's link to a child is "valid" is determined by the Synchronisation Rules. There are also a number of preferences that affect whether a parent will be given an account in Insight.

There are four reasons an account might not be created. All of these conditions can be enabled/disabled using either synchronisation rules or preferences:

  • The person does not have a valid link to the student
  • The person does not have an email address
  • There is already one Insight account holder at the address
  • The student is off roll

The following report is used to identify the causes of parents not being issued with Insight accounts:
Reports > SIMS Synchronisation

Use the drop down at the top left of the page to select the most recent parental synchronisation then find the student whose parent(s) are missing from the list of Users. You can press Ctrl+F to search the page. The following 5 sections of this page describe the information you may see on the SIMS Synchronisation report, which would prevent an account from being created or linked to a student.

The student is missing from the report

If the student is missing from the report then the student is off roll. This may be because the student has left the school or has not yet joined.

By default Insight will remove the link between a parent and a student as soon as the student leaves the school. However you can specify a Grace Period which is a number of days after the student's date of leaving, during which accounts can still be linked to the student. By default Insight will also not create an account linked to a student until the student has joined the school. There is a setting to allow accounts to be created a number of days prior to the student's start date.

These options are found via:
Manage > Preferences > User Creation

  • Largest number of days in the future for admission dates of applicants
  • Date Of Leaving grace days before considered Off Roll

The parent is not listed beneath the student

If the student appears in the report, but the parent is not listed beneath the student, then the parent has not been linked to the student in SIMS. Open SIMS and go to:
Focus > Student > Student Details

Search for and open the student's record. A relationship between the student and the parent needs to be created in Section 5 Family and Home.

WARNING 1 - The user does not meet the sync rules

This means that the link between the parent and the child is not valid according to the synchronisation rules in Insight. First check that your Synchronisation Rules are configured as needed. If you subsequently make any changes to the Synchronisation Rules, you must run a Sync via the Users page for these changes to take effect.

If you are satisfied that your Synchronisation Rules are correct then the issue is with the parent's details in SIMS. Open SIMS and go to:
Focus > Student > Student Details

Search for and open the student's record, then find the parent Under Section 5 Family and Home. Double click on the parent to open their record.

Section 2 will show you the parent's:

  • Priority number
  • Parental Responsibility setting
  • Court Order setting

Section 4 will show you the person's:

  • Home Address

One or more of these fields will not match the Synchronisation Rules. If a parent's details do not match any of your Synchronisation Rules, Insight will not create an account for them.

WARNING 3a or WARNING 4a - The parent does not have a valid email address in SIMS

Either of these warnings mean that the parent does not have an email address in SIMS and Insight has been configured to require an email address for all users. You can either add an email address for the parent in SIMS, or change the configuration in Insight so that email addresses are not required for users.

To change the settings in Insight:
Manage > Preferences > User Creation

The following two settings can prevent parents from having access to Insight if they do not have an email address:

  • Disregard contacts with no email in SIMS
  • Deactivate a users links when the contact has no email in SIMS, and previously an email was found

WARNING 4b - Only one account is allowed per household

This means that Insight has been configured to only allow a single account per household, and the this parent lives in address where somebody else already has an Insight account.

If you want to change the configuration in Insight go to:
Manage > Preferences > User Creation

The setting is called:

  • Limit user creation to one per student household