Student Events is an additional module that allows students to make bookings for events that they would like to attend. Examples include auditions, weekly clubs and careers advice sessions. Student Events is part of the parents evening additional module, which is a bundle that also includes events and parents evenings.
As Student Events is an additional module of Insight, a separate charge applies. Please contact sales@tascsoftware.co.uk for further information.
The following role options are required to configure a student event:
Manage > Manage student events (On)
Creating a Student Event
To create a news student event go to:
Manage > Manage student events
Click the Add button at the top of the page. A window will open with two tabs. On the Details tab enter the name of the Student Event in the Description field. Enter the Open and Close dates for the Event, this the date range over which bookings can be made.
If you would like parental accounts to be able to make bookings on behalf of students then enable the Allow parental booking option.
Enter the Number of sittings available to the Student Event. Each sitting has a number of slots, and students will be able to book a single slot.
EXAMPLE 1 - single sitting event
EXAMPLE 2 - multiple sitting event
Once you have selected the number of sittings a list will appear at the bottom of the window. Each sitting should be given a name. Each sitting also has a capacity - this is the number of slots that will be available to students.
You can also give each sitting a description. This provides more information about the sitting. If you are creating a career advice day, then each sitting could represent a staff member, and the description could let the students know which field the staff member knows most about e.g. "IT specialist".
Slots can also be named.
Can be given names relating to the times of the day that they represent i.e. slot 1 is "9:00", slot 2 is "9:10", etc.
To name the slots, click the button under the slot names column. This will open a window - either name the slots by manually typing into the boxes or click the Times button to automatically name the slots as times during the day.
Finally you need to decide which pupils should be able to make bookings to the event. To do this, click the Students tab at the top of the window. Click the Add students button and select the relevant students.
Types of Student Events
There are two types of student events
- stand alone
- recurring
Concurrent student events
Student events can be configured to interact with each other; this might be used if you want students to select their favourite 3 options from a list of possibilities; if a student makes a booking in a sitting in one event (i.e. a sitting called "Alton Towers") they will not be able to make a booking in the same sitting (again called "Alton Towers") in another event.
Student events will be configured in the same way as single student events, above. Each of the linked student events will need to have the same start and end date.
If different events have sittings with the same name as each other (e.g. Event 1 has a sitting called "Alton Towers" and Event 2 has a sitting called "Alton Towers") then pupils will only be able to make one booking to either of those sittings, even though they are in different events.
For example, you might create 3 student events, called "1st choice", "2nd choice" and "3rd choice". In each of these events, the list of sittings will represent the different school trips that the students can opt to attend. The number of slots for each sitting represents the number of places available on the trip. If a student makes a booking for "Alton Towers" in the 1st choice event, then they will not be able to book "Alton Towers" in their 2nd or 3rd choice, although the other school trips will still be available.
Recurring student events
For if you want the same event to happen over and over. The event must have only a single sitting. You will then be able to choose the day(s) of the week that the event takes place. The event will be available on every one of that day over the date range that the event is open.
The student events page will show each of the sessions that are available. There may be multiple sessions available, but each student can only book into one session. In the example below, the session refers to the staff member who is available for a careers advice day.
Each session will have one or more available slots. Students will be booked into one of these slots. The slots could refer to times during the day, seats on a coach, audition slots, etc. When a student is booked into a slot, a tick will appear next to that slot and it will become unavailable for all other students.