App server

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The Insight web app is an additional module in Insight. It allows parents and students to access some Insight features using an app on their phone. The web app is available for all devices and is accessible by tapping on the mobile device image in the bottom right-hand corner of the sign in screen.


Users will see the homepage when they first log in to the app. If a parent is logged in and they have more than one child at school, the parent can switch between children by tapping on the main menu and selecting alternatives.

Each of the available menu items will be shown in the main menu. Items will be removed if the user's role options do not allow them to access that menu item.


The notices page will display all of the user's notices for the previous month. Older notices cannot be viewed using the app.

Tapping on a notice opens a window showing the full body of the notice and links to any attachments to the notice.


The assignments screen shows the homework assignments given to a pupil. The number of new and outstanding homeworks will appear at the top right of the screen and the list of homeworks is shown at the bottom.

Users can tap on a homework to view the full information about the homework and download any attachments.


The attendance page will display the student's attendance to one day of lessons at school. Previous/future days can be viewed using the arrow buttons at the top of the screen. There is also a button that allows users to report absences.

Parents Evening

This screen is used to book parents evening appointments. A list of the user's existing appointments will be displayed on screen. Existing bookings can be removed and notes can be added.

New bookings are created using the Book button at the top right of the page. This will display a list of available staff members and the appointment time that they have remaining.

Examination Timetable

If a student has an exam timetable it will be shown here, along with any results that may be related to each exam.

Merit / Demerit

This screen shows a list of the positive and negative behaviour incidents for the pupil.


The pupil's assessment data will be shown.

Linked Staff

A list of staff linked to the student will be displayed.

School Dinners

The school dinners screen shows what the pupil purchased for lunch and how much money remains in their account.


The reports screen is used to view documents from the student's Linked Documents section in SIMS. Users can give feedback about each report. The reports will be displayed in a PDF reader or similar software, depending on the file format of the document.