TASC Media Space

Noteworthy TASC and industry related articles.


The UK government is undergoing consultations to strengthen the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) safeguarding requirements, which aim to create a safer environment for children in early years settings. This blog explores the need for this consultation and explains who can take part.


In this blog, we will explore the importance of schools in supporting children’s mental health and how utilising tools like Cura Safeguarding Software can help educators keep track of safeguarding incidents effectively.


The importance of cultivating kindness and empathy among students cannot be overstated. As educators, it is our responsibility to not only impart knowledge but also to nurture positive values that will shape the character and behaviour of the next generation. One powerful tool that can assist schools in achieving this goal is Talaxy School Data Management Software.


As we approach the Easter holidays, it’s important for schools to prioritise the safety and well-being of their students. Engaging parents in safeguarding efforts is crucial, as they play a vital role in creating a safe and supportive environment for children. This blog aims to highlight the significance of involving parents in safeguarding initiatives and offer practical strategies for effective communication and partnership between school staff and families during the holiday season.


Fostering an inclusive environment where students feel safe within schools is not just a goal but a necessity. Schools are tasked with providing a supportive and welcoming space for students of all backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles. However, this can be a daunting challenge without the right tools and resources in place. This is where Talaxy School Data Management Software comes in – a powerful solution that can revolutionise how schools approach inclusivity and student support.


This article looks at how sharing students’ report cards online through the TALAXY school data management software transforms the procedure, introducing a myriad of advantages that significantly improve communication and collaboration between educational institutions and parents.


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