Attendance overview
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The Attendance Overview menu item has been developed to automatically display various attendance information in a clean 'Dashboard style' format.
The Attendance Overview can be accessed to view high-level attendance information for the whole school. The Select Students button at the top left of the page can be used to filter the students that are displayed.
This page is accessed via:
PARS main menu > Attendance > Attendance overview
Standard View
Current Session
Displays actual numbers of pupils registered as 'Present' for the current session, in a format that allows for quick and easy comparison of Registration Groups Session Attendance.
Whole school attendance
Displays a table of whole school attendance data of Percentages and Actual Figures for Present , Authorised Absence, Unauthorised Absence & Late marks over both Year to date and This week date ranges with a colour-coded change indicator for each mark.
Year to Date vs This week
Displays a visual representation of Year to Date vs This week in a simple ring diagram with percentages. The inner ring shows the whole school's attendance this week, and the outer ring shows whole school attendance year to date.
Poor attendance
Displays a list of students that have the worst attendance levels, with registration groups and Year to date vs This week percentages.
Attendance bands
This shows how many students fall within each band of attendance.
Overall attendance vs Change this week
Displays a visual representation of registration groups Overall Attendance and Change this week which can be analysed to see whether or not form groups' attendance is improving or decreasing.
Switch View
The Switch View mode is used to view attendance data. The data that can be viewed here are:
- Unauthorised absence
- Authorised absence
- Lateness
- Present
The type of data that is shown on the page can be selected and changed using the dropdown on the top toolbar, at the top right of the page.
The rest of the Attendance Overview page will then show the following information:
Data per reg group and year group
A list of registration groups and year groups will be shown on the left of the page. A percentage appears next to the name of each group, showing the percentage of selected data for that group (e.g. percentage of authorised absence).
Percentages for individual students
A circular chart is shown in the middle of the page. This chart visually shows which registration groups and students have the highest percentage of the selected data.
Clicking on one of the registration groups will reveal the students in that group, and what their percentage of selected data is.
Boys vs Girls analysis
On the right of the page a chart is displayed, showing the percentage of selected data for boys vs girls, for each registration group.