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In an age of rapid information dissemination, students are increasingly exposed to shocking or disturbing news through various media platforms. It is essential for schools to recognise the impact such news can have on young minds and provide a supportive environment to help students process and navigate through these challenging times.

In this blog, we will explore effective strategies that schools can employ to converse with students about shocking or disturbing news, and how utilising cura data management software can enhance safeguarding efforts.


In this article, we explore the numerous benefits of using CURA as a digital accident book, including digital signatures, centralised record-keeping, instant accessibility, and real-time reporting to parents.


In an era where online safety concerns are on the rise, it is crucial to equip educators with effective tools to protect children from the growing threat of online grooming. According to a recently published NSPCC article, there has been an alarming 82% rise in online grooming crimes against children in the last five years.

To combat this concerning trend and empower teachers in their safeguarding efforts, the use of safeguarding apps in recording and addressing concerns has emerged as a powerful solution.


Happy September!
As we gear up for a busy month, we wanted to take some time to reflect on how your pupils will be feeling at the start of the school year. It’s common for children to feel nervous on their first day of school, but there are several things that parents and teachers can do to help them combat those nerves.
Here’s some of our favourite ways to help support your child through the transition between years and beat those first day jitters:


Streamlining the Return: How School Data Management and Communication Software Helps Teachers Prepare for Pupils’s Return in September.


As the school summer holidays approach, teachers play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and protection of their pupils, even outside the school setting. While vacations and free time can bring excitement and relaxation, summer holidays can also present safeguarding challenges. 


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