Top 10 Tips for Helping Your Students Revise for Key Stage 2 SATs Exams

At home help with Key stage 2 exams

As Key Stage 2 SATs exams draw near, many students and teachers are preparing for the challenge ahead.

To help students prepare effectively for these important assessments, it’s crucial to provide them with the necessary support and resources.

Here are ten top tips for helping your students revise for their Key Stage 2 SATs exams.

Start Early.

Firstly, encourage students to begin revising well before the exam date. Starting early allows for a more thorough understanding of the material and reduces last-minute cramming.

Create a Study Schedule.

Secondly, help students create a study schedule that breaks down their revision into manageable chunks. This can prevent overwhelm and ensure all subjects are covered adequately. Additionally, Talaxy has a great schedule function that can really help your students to get organised.

Use Past Papers.

Moreover, past papers are valuable revision tools. They can help students become familiar with the exam format and the types of questions they may encounter.

Provide Revision Guides.

Furthermore, supply students with revision guides or textbooks that cover the key topics and concepts tested in the SATs exams. These resources can serve as helpful reference materials.

Practice Regularly.

Encourage students to practice regularly to reinforce their learning. This can include completing practice questions, quizzes, and mock exams to gauge their progress.

Offer One-on-One Support.

Additionally, provide students with the opportunity for one-on-one support if they are struggling with certain topics. This personalised attention can help address their specific needs. Talaxy has a great booking feature for students to easily schedule time with specific teachers.

Create Interactive Revision Activities.

Similarly, engage students in interactive revision activities such as quizzes, flashcards, and educational games. These can make the revision process more enjoyable and effective.

Encourage Healthy Study Habits.

Moreover, emphasise the importance of maintaining healthy study habits, such as getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and taking breaks. These habits can improve concentration and retention.

Provide Revision Resources on Talaxy.

Likewise, use Talaxy to provide students with easy access to revision resources from home. By making these resources available online, students can revise at their convenience and pace. To find out more about Talaxy, visit:

Celebrate Progress.

Lastly, acknowledge and celebrate the progress that students make during their revision process. Positive reinforcement can motivate students to continue working hard towards their goals.

In conclusion, helping students revise effectively for their Key Stage 2 SATs exams requires a combination of support, resources, and good study habits. By following these ten top tips, teachers can empower their students to approach their exams with confidence and achieve success.

Remember, preparation is key, and with the right tools and guidance, students can excel. Another good resource is the BBC; take a look at: