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The reports page allows you to examine the data that has been recorded in Cura.
With all the available reports you do have the option to export the report to a format that is required such as a PDF or an excel document, this can be done by selecting the "Export" button at the top of the page. The user can also filter the columns to requirement by selecting the "Columns" button.

For the majority of the reports available there is a Chart tab, this provides a graphical analysis to the report in the form of a pie chart and bar chart. The pie chart is broken down by percentage and each item is selectable. These charts are available to export to a PDF format.


For analysis purposes

Frequent concerns

The frequency report will show any instances where a pupil has had more than X concerns recorded, within a certain time period. In the example below, the report shows each time that a pupil has had 3 or more concerns recorded within a 7 day period.


Concerns severities by field

The concerns by field report will show you concern incidences by characteristic field. The list will be broken down into various categories and will shows how many concern have been entered into which severity.
The information is broken down into the following categories:

  • Gender - male/female
  • Disability - Yes/No
  • EAL - Yes/No
  • FSM - Yes/No
  • FSM6 - Yes/No
  • PP - Yes/No
  • Pregnant - Yes/No
  • In LA care - Yes/No
  • Ever in care - Yes/No
  • Gifted - Yes/No
  • SEN - not classified
  • SEN - education, health and care plan
  • SEN - SEN support
  • SEN - statement
  • Ethnicity - various classifications
  • Religion - various classifications
  • Year group - Year 1 - 13
  • PSNE - not classified
  • PSNE - physical: restraint
  • PSNE - sexual: FGM, child sexual exploitation, E-safety
  • PSNE - neglect
  • PSNE - emotional: E-safety, radicalisation


For reviewing Logs


The safeguarding log report shows a list of the concerns recorded within a certain time period. The severity, clearance level and summary of each concern are shown, but the detail is not. This means that you can allow staff to run this report themselves without exposing sensitive data.


For reviewing outstanding concerns

Tardy reviews

The tardy reviews report provides a list of concerns that were recorded, they have either not been actioned and are overdue over 48 hours, or concerns have been actioned but were overdue at the time of review, you can also specify the date range.

As you can see from the image below:

  • The concerns from the top of the page are currently overdue - eg Matthews (surname of student), Sindhu (first name) 05/04/2016 14:14:01 (date and time of concern entry) (3026hrs) (hours overdue)
  • There is a space separating the unresolved and resolved concerns
  • The concerns from the middle of the page are concerns that have been reviewed however they were left over 48 hours to review - eg Abbey (surname of student), Jimmy (first name) 28/10/2015 16:03:21 (date and time of concern entry) - 23/06/2016 10:30:58 (date and time of concern reviewed) (5730hrs) (hours overdue before review)



  • Frequent concerns

Shows Students with a concern frequency above a specified rate.

  • Concern severities by field

Shows concern incidences by characteristic field.

  • Concern severities by field (limited)

Shows concern incidences by characteristic field.

  • Concern counts

Shows concern incidence count.

  • Concern severities by terms

Shows concern incidence count broken up into periods of the academic year.

  • Concern severities by abuse classification

Shows concern incidence counts broken up by abuse classification.

  • Concern severities by abuse classification subtype

Shows concern incidence counts broken up by abuse classification subtypes.

  • Concern severities by Reg group

Shows concern incidence counts broken up by Reg group.

  • Concern tags by field

Shows concern incidences by characteristic field.

  • Concern tag by Student

Shows tagged concern incidences by Student.

  • Meeting tags by field

Shows meeting incidences by characteristic field.

  • Meeting tag by Student

Shows tagged meeting incidences by Student.

  • Action tags by field

Shows meeting incidences by characteristic field.

  • Action tag by Student

Shows tagged meeting incidences by Student.

  • Correspondence tags by field

Shows meeting incidences by characteristic field.

  • Correspondence tag by Student

Shows tagged meeting incidences by Student.

  • Information Only tags by field

Shows Information Only incidences by characteristic field.

  • Information Only tag by Student

Shows tagged Information Only incidences by Student.

  • Personal tag matrix

Shows cohort composition including user defined personal tags.

  • Personal tag list

Lists Students with selected tags.

  • Chronology entry subtype usage

Shows the usage of subtypes of meetings, actions and correspondence recorded as chronology entries.


  • Audit log

Shows audit logs.

  • Users

Shows user roles and other properties.

  • Safeguarding log

Shows Student concerns.


  • Tardy reviews

Shows concerns left over 48 hours before review.

  • Monthly mean review hours

Shows the mean hours a concern takes until review for each month it was entered in.