Data configuration

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If any staff members have been provided the permission for Data configuration then this is the screen that will be displayed. The user is able to configure the subcategories under Meetings, Correspondence and Actions. These are generally used after an initial concern has been made and if any follow up events (Planned actions) are required.


Adding a new subcategory

To add a new subcategory under whichever heading is the most applicable simply click on the add button. The user also has the permission to edit or delete the information already existing, if a subcategory has already been selected as an action Cura then you can only edit the information and unable to delete.

For this example we will be adding a new meeting, under the meetings heading select the blue button to Add. A screen will now be displayed, please fill in the description, you also have the option to hide this information from new entries that are created in Cura. Once you have made your choice click on the green Ok button and this information will now be available under the Meeting heading when selected in Cura. This is the same process for Correspondence and Actions.


Adding a new website

The establishment might require external websites to be available for staff members to access, for example to make a referral to your LEA, have a link to external contacts etc. The user can define specific websites in order for them to be accessed through Cura. The user is required to fill both fields in order for the website to be added as a link.


The newly added website will appear under the links area which is available to access through the Resources screen, the permission Resource consumer will be required to activated in order for the user to access this. Resourcespage.jpg