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In the middle of the PARS home page you will be able to see your diary. There are links to the left that allow you to read notices, perform analyses and view your to-do list. At the top of the page you can also see the quick launch bar.


Main menu

This will give you a drop down list of features available to you based on your permissions. When you hover your mouse over any of the the items in the main menu, further options will appear to the right which can be used to access various features within PARS. For more information, please see the PARS main menu page.



The diary can be used to access your own class registers, take detention, removal or extra class registers, see SIMS events and schedule diary appointments. You can also access other staff memers' timetables in order to find out where they are, or to take their registers (however if you have been setup for cover, those registers will automatically appear on your timetable).


Opening registers

To open a register, simply click on it. All of your own registers will be visible on your diary, although you may find that you are not able to take some of them because of your permissions.

Diary events

You can add a new diary event by right-clicking on your diary, on the appropriate date and time. A dropdown menu will appear with a "New appointment" option. Enter the details of your calendar entry.


Viewing other staff timetables

To view another staff member's calendar, click the Alias button at the top right of the calendar (it looks like 3 people). This will open a list showing all of the staff members that you are allowed to alias (again this is governed by your permissions).

If you hold down the ctrl button on your keyboard, you will be able to see the person_id numbers for each staff member as well as their name.

Side links


Notices can be found in the left side menu. Messages seen are based on users permissions which could include behaviour referrals, grade reminders, personal notices or attendance notices.

Homepage notices.jpg

Click the compose button at the top left to create a new notice. The notice must have a subject and a body, and can also have attachments. When you are selecting recipients, there are options to add "All teachers of" and "All pastoral for". When using these options, you select a student and all the academic or pastoral staff linked to that pupil will be added to the recipient list.

Behaviour, Grading and Attendance notices are those usually sent by a colleague or system generated. Further details can be found within their relevant sections.

To do list

Missing Registers

If your attendance staff send notifications for missing registers, you will find them here. Click on the missing register notice and your will be taken directly to the register that requires marking.

Overdue Homework

Any homework assignments where some of the work is overdue will be shown here. You can click on the assignments to open the assignment diary which allows you to give behaviour incidents to pupils who have or have not completed the homework, send emails to parents, and make the homework available online via Insight.

Requiring Grade Entry

PARS automatically opens and closes grading columns based on date ranges. PARS will warn you when a grading period is due to open, and will give links to each of the classes where there are some grades yet to be completed.

Grading analysis


There are links to the left of the home page that allow you to launch a grading analysis for groups of pupils. You will see links for any subjects that you teach or are the head of department for (see subject leaders if you Heads of Department have not been configured). Links will also appear for form tutors and year leaders. Additionally, there is a link for "Individuals" which allows you to select any cohort of pupils within the school. The last 10 groups that you choose under the Individuals link will be remembered for you.

Once you have selected the group, a page will load showing the pupils' attendance and behaviour. Simply select a key indicator template and PARS will give you an analysis of the selected pupils.

Go to the grading analysis page for further information about the features available.

Quick launch bar

On the top of your homepage you will see the quick launch bar and this will be stay at the top of your screen when using Connect. This bar will always be visible in PARS on every page.


The two most commonly used buttons are:

  • Home button (the furthest left, which looks like a house). This button will take you back to the homepage.
  • Logout button (second from the right, which looks like a door). This button will log you out of PARS.

Further information about the quick launch bar including what all of the buttons do, and how to add extra buttons to it, can be found on the quick launch bar page.