User-defined pages

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You can create user defined pages in Insight which appear to users as new menu items. Each user-defined page needs to be configured then enabled via role options before it will be visible to users.

Multiple user-defined pages can be created, with different titles and icons if desired. User-defined pages can show documents such as newsletters, web pages or RSS feeds.


The following role options are required to configure User Defined Pages:
Manage > User-defined pages (On)

Creating a User Defined Page

Go to Manage > User Defined Pages

Click the Add button to create a new user defined page.

User-defined pages will always need to be given a description, which is the name of the menu item that users will see. You then have four types of user defined page to choose from:

RSS Reader Page

These pages will show information from another website. That website must provide an RSS feed in order for this to work. This is the least commonly used type of user defined page

An RSS page requires a location, which is the URL used to access the RSS Feed from the target website e.g. 

The RSS Feed may also allow/require you to provide a username, password or post field(s). These can all be added to Insight as required.

Document Page

This type of pages is used to display static documents, which are typically saved as PDF files. This type of page can display a single document, or a folder of documents (including sub folders) from the Insight server. This is a good way to share newsletters, revision materials, etc.

The most simple method to display a single document is to upload the document using the Browse button.

To display all of the documents from a folder on the server, first create the folder on the server in the Insight _Personalisation folder (typically found via C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Insight\_Personalisation). Then enter the directory path to that folder as the location e.g.


Linked Document Page

This type of page will show linked documents from SIMS. Note that the Reports page in Insight is designed specifically to show students' reports, so use that page instead for end of term reports, progress reports, etc.

Enter a word or phrase into the Summary field. All linked documents from SIMS that contain the word or phrase in their title will be displayed to the parent (parents can only see documents linked to their child).

You can enter an earliest and/or latest date to refine the documents that will be displayed to parents.

Web Page

This type of page allows you to display a web page inside Insight. This could be an external website from the internet or a local web page you have created (e.g. a html or aspx file).

If you have a local file, the simplest method is to upload it using the Browse button.

If you are linking to an external page then you should enter the URL of that page into the Location field. Note that not all internet pages will allow themselves to be hosted inside another website in this manner. Therefore if you want to use this feature with an external website, you should test it from a parent's point of view after configuration to check that it works.

Custom icons for the menu item

Each user defined page type has a default icon but you can set a custom icon instead if desired. To do this you will need to place a .PNG image in the _Personalisation folder for Insight (typically found on C:\inetpub\wwwroot\INSIGHT\_Personalisation on the server hosting Insight). Then enter the name of the .PNG image (without the file extension) into the Icon name field for your user-defined page.

Enabling the page for users

Once a user-defined page has been created, it will appear in the list of role options. The user-defined page can then be turned on or off for each of the user roles. Users will then see the user-defined page as new menu item in Insight.